A Guy with A Girl (Tom X Beautiful! Reader)

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(A/N: I heard this song on the radio today, and I was like, 'I need to make a story for this.' Also, even you don't think so, this story is for everyone. Everyone is beautiful beyond compare.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I woke up early in the morning to bass music from across the hall. I sighed impatiently as my crush, - and sometimes pain in the neck, - Tom played Susan in his room. It was obvious he was too caught up in his music to hear my groaning.

  "Tom, shut up!" I complained. Just then, the music instantly subsided to silence,  and then Tom walked in. He looked tired, drunk, and apologetic at the same time. He wobbled over to me and hugged me tightly.

  "I'm sorry... *hic*," Tom slurred sorrily. I patted his back and sighed.

  "It's fine, just, don't do it at 4:00 in the morning," I chuckled lightly. Tom pulled away and kissed me, the strong smell of alcohol coming from his lips. I blushed madly, yet was too shocked to push him off. He is clearly drunk, I thought to myself. Tom pulled away, and walked out of the room. I sighed, and sat on my bed, hoping that I could just sleep off the surprise and excitement I felt. It was tiring.

  -Time Skip Due to Edd(R.I.P. 1988-2012)-

  The warm sun stirred me from my sleep as I yawned from new-found energy. I turn to face my dresser before I get ready for the day, when I am quickly met with Tom. He was asleep, but Tom was laying beside me, too tired apparently to cover himself with my blanket. Luckily, he was wearing his hoodie and jeans.

  I sighed and got up. I was quickly got dressed and ready before heading downstairs. Matt was helping Tord make pancakes, Edd was drawing, and Ringo was circling Tord's legs, begging for some. It's been a couple months since Tord returned to the group, only to find that I was living with them instead. That was what drove Tom to drink more often; he hated Tord.

  Personally, I didn't like him much, either. He was a slight pervert, and very aggressive and excessive fighter. Heck, the only person he had anything in common with was the girl who lived with Eduardo and Mark. Though, she has been more tame and depressed ever since Jon died. Though, she tries to help Eduardo and Mark through it.

  Anyway, I began to lightly sing at the table when Tom came down, rubbing his head. Tord smirked as he heard Tom groan.

  "Mornin' Jehovah. Is that a hangover ya' got there?" he teased. His deep, Norwegian accent was making me frustrated. Why can't he just leave Tom alone? Then, I turned to Tom.

  "I heard your guitar music last night. It was loud, but, I liked it," I smiled at him. I noticed Tom's face go lightly pink, and he turned, looking embarrassed.

  "I thought you would. It's the sheet music of (your favorite song)," he muttered. I grinned and jumped up to hug him.

  "You know I love that song!" I purred happily. Tom's face began resembling Tord's hoodie. I chuckled at his expression, when he looked at me, confused.

  "What's so funny?"

  "The fact that you look like a strawberry!" I chirped lovingly. Tom froze, and tried to cover his face with his hoodie.

  "I-I'm going to the bar later today. Wanna come with me?" he asked quietly. I stared at him. He knew I didn't drink. But I sighed and smiled lightly.

  "Sure. Only to make sure you aren't completely drunk when we come home and because you can't drive after you drink," Tom sighed, and hugged me back, finally.

  "You're right,"

(Time Skip Due to Tord Teasing Tom and You Saving Him.)

  It was 7:00 p.m. as Tom was shutting the driver's door after climbing in as I lightly sat next to him. He seemed to sigh happily at knowing I was here, which made me happy. I turned on the radio, and Tom changed it to a country station. I don't know why, though, because isn't he a rock or pop fan? All that I knew was that the radio was playing 'A Guy with A Girl'. I started smiling and bobbing my head happily. Tom watched me and smiled, relaxing as he drove.

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