Training Wheels (Young! Tom X Young! Shy! Reader)

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(A/N: 40 READS!? I just started this not too long ago!)

(Y/N)'s POV

  It was the first day of Kindergarten, and I rode my bicycle to school with me. I parked my bike outside school, and walked in. I saw many kids tracking mud and rain into the classrooms, until I reached mine. I went inside to see my new teacher, Mrs. Davidson(Yes, she is a teacher at my school). I waved, and she smiled.

  "Hi, (Y/N)! How are you?" she asked politely. I went inside and saw many kids.

  Two of them wore green, yet they were different

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  Two of them wore green, yet they were different. One was small, innocent, and childish while the other was mature - to the point he had a mustache - and taller than the other. The more childish kid in green was with a couple other people; a ginger in a light gray hoodie, a boy in a red hoodie, and a boy in a yellow shirt with no eyes, and he was kinda cool. The other green-wearing boy was with one kid with a lollipop and blue shirt and another boy with blonde hair and glasses. The boy with a red hoodie from the one group also seemed acquainted with a boy with dark brown hair, a blue shirt, and thick eyebrows. I shuffle over to my seat and sit down, covering my head with my favorite (F/C) hoodie. I sat between the boy with no eyes and the one in the blue shirt.

  "Hi, I'm Jon," the one in the blue shirt told me as I sat down.

  "Hi, Jon, I'm (Y/N)," I tell him. The other boy looks around the room boredly.

  "I like your hoodie," the boy with no eyes compliments me. I blush slightly and smile.

  "Thank you," I reply. He nods and I listen as class starts.

- A Whole School Day Later -

  I walked over to my bike, to see the boy with no eyes again. He walks over to me and looks at my bike. I notice him lift his head towards me. He turns to me and smiles. He holds out his hand.

  "Nice bike. Sorry I wasn't very talkative. I'm not very social, but you seem cool," he admits. I smile and shake his hand.

  "No worries. Hey, wanna ride my bike? I don't have to go home just yet," I ask him. He rubs the back of his head.

  "I don't know how to ride," he shyly tells me. I smile and hold his hand, earning me a blush from him.

  "Well, I can teach you!" I respond.

- Many Years Later - 

Tom's POV

  I was sitting on the couch. I was watching TV, when Edd ran into the room. I looked boredly up at him as he panted. What's the hurry? I wondered. I got up, leaving my canister on the couch. I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked at Edd.

  "What is it, Edd?" I ask as Edd walked over. His smile lit up the room.

  "We have a new neighbor next door!" he said. I rolled my 'eyes' and walk to the window. I see a familiar (H/C) woman stand outside, unpacking. She had gorgeous (E/C) eyes and a (F/C) hoodie covering her slim body. I stare, and I run outside. I stop beside her, and she looks up at me.

  "(Y/N)?" I ask, astounded. She stares at me, and cracks a smile.

  "Tom?" she asks, exasperated. Edd leaves the house and stares at us.

  "You know her, Tom?" he questions. I turn and grin.

  "Edd, this is (Y/N), from Kindergarten!" I exclaim. Edd gasps and run over. He hugs (Y/N) and grins.

  "(Y/N)! So good to see you!" he cries. (Y/N) smiles and hugs Edd back.

  "Edd, can I talk to (Y/N) in private?" I plead him. Edd nods and leaves. (Y/N) looks at me, confused.

  "Why do you want to speak privately-" she begins, yet I stop her by kissing her. She kisses back after a few seconds, and we then break apart.

  "Because I wanted to do that ever since Kindergarten," I smile. We kiss again, and a new relationship begins between us.

(A/N: Sorry to say, but I was kinda bored writing this. I prefer 'Maybe, Just Maybe' for anyone who didn't read it. If that doesn't float your boat, maybe 'Dangerous Woman' will.)

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