Draw Me Like One of Your Norwegian Boys (Tord X Artist! Reader)

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(Requested by: TheWorldBoresMe. Art by me.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I looked out the dew speckled window. Rainbows trailed helplessly after the sunlight over the tiled floor of the kitchen. The moist grass waved kindly at me as the wind whisked it to the side. The clouds appeared to bloom out of thin air. It was a perfect morning, and I smiled to myself about its beauty. It inspired me to draw. So, I took out a sketch book and pencil, and I started to curve the graphite along the paper.

  Seconds turned to minutes, which then itched onto hours. As soon as I was drawing, it was noon. I looked up and frowned lightly that the sun ushered away the dew and rainbows. Grass remained still under the wind's hand. The soft, pale clouds bid their farewells so soon, and the sky was now painfully bare. I sighed and looked down at my drawing. I smiled, nowing at least one thing would remain perfect: him.

  He would always be smart, talented, strong, charming, and a little perverted

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  He would always be smart, talented, strong, charming, and a little perverted. I loved him, and I wanted him to know, except I was scared. Everything in my mind went blank as my paper began to tire thin. I kept drawing until Tord had enough of the stuffiness of his room. His footsteps echoed in my hollowed mind, until it finally hit me. I scrambled to hide sketches from the table, until one slipped and skidded to a stop - right at Tord's feet.

  He picked it up, and words could not describe my fear as he looked it over. His silver eyes took in every stroke of graphite along the sketch. My heart beat faster as adrenaline told me to run. But, try as I might, I was rooted to the chair I possessed. He smiled and looked up at me. His words were clear and simple.

  "Did you draw this?" he asked. He turned the dropped sketch, and my heart stopped. It was the sketch I was drawing when he came downstairs. The world seemed to hurl me down a flight of stairs as he grinned. His kind words rang out in my head, like an echoing drum.

  "It's really good!"

  I smiled lightly to give the illusion I was happy with this

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  I smiled lightly to give the illusion I was happy with this. But, he was smarter than that. He walked up to me and stared me down. He kneeled down as to look into my face, since I was sitting. His hand cupped my cheek as he smiled.

  "You did a good job. Hey, can you draw another?" he asked timidly. I nodded and pulled out more paper. I began to draw, and shortly, it was done. I was in love with the art, so I was happy when Tord gasped and grinned.

  "It's so good! I love it!"

  It was his birthday recently, and since I couldn't get him a gift, why not draw this for him? I handed it to him

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  It was his birthday recently, and since I couldn't get him a gift, why not draw this for him? I handed it to him. His chipped-tooth smile lifted my heart. He looked up at me, but I was gone. I had gotten up and ran into the living room. I was huffing in the red couch as I waited for Tord to just turn to go upstairs. But it never occured.

  A red-hooded, caramel-haired, sun-kissed boy sat beside me within seconds. I refused to look at him as he chuckled. He held my hand, causing me to blush madly and look at him. He was smiling at me as he held my hand delicately​. I looked down at our hands. As soon as I looked up at his face, his lips met mine. My face turned tomato red as I kissed back.

Tord's POV

  She kissed back....!? I thought she didn't like me! I smiled into our blissful kiss. My flushed face was met by her own. As soon as I felt confident she wasn't going to pull away, I heard Edd whooping. He was grinning from up the stairs.

  "You go, girl! Kiss your man! Whoo!" he cheered. We both blushed a deep red, as I glared at him. Edd froze, and ran for the safety of his room. Good choice, you green, cola loving f--


  Oh no. I knew she didn't like me back. She only kissed me back because she didn't want to embarrass me. The rest of the world seemed to cave. I got up to leave when she reached for my hand.

  "Tord, you're not even listening!"

  "Yes, I am. You don't like me the same way. That's what you were sayi-"

  "Tord, I love you!" she cried. That was when silence stretched into our ears. She couldn't be lying. I sighed and sat next to her, smiling. She smiled back and we shared a loving hug.

  "You should have said that sooner,"

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