Inner Demon (Demon! Tord X Demon! Reader)

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(Gender Neutral

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(Gender Neutral. This is what Tord looks like in this. Imagine yourself pretty similar to this.)

(Y/N)'s POV

   It was a boring day in hell, and I was waiting for something interesting to happen. Then, I started to think. Why did I come to hell, not heaven? Easy answer. I killed a few men over simple spite. It was stupid, I know, but it's done. I was eventually killed off by one of my victim's friends shooting me.

  My last words were, 'See you in hell'. I meant it. I sat there, until a bright light shone in the center of hell. This only meant one thing; new demons! Now, I should feel bad. But, you never know. This could be a new friend.

  I skipped over to the light, watching a man facing the opposite direction fade into view. His hair was styled like horns and he wore a red hoodie. Demon wanna-be before death, I'm guessing, I chuckled to myself mentally. In his new demon form, he had pointed ears and small horns protruding his forehead. He had piercing gray eyes that flashed violently in the echoing light of the hell lava. His black jeans appeared to be slightly ripped. I tapped lightly on his shoulder, causing him to turn.

  "Hello, friend. Welcome to hell. You died. Good luck," I grinned as I stated the signature hell greeting. I couldn't help but think to myself, Dang, he is good looking. The man smiled at me, flashing a sharp-toothed smile.

  "Thanks for the luck, but I won't need it," he chuckled. My heart melted faster than the lava we stood by. He had a thick and attractive Norwegian accent that made me start to yearn to hear him talk again.

  "Alright, Mr. Cocky. What's your name?" I asked, stuffing my hands into my (f/c) hoodie pockets. He sneered and eyed me curiously.

  "I thought you said it was 'Mr. Cocky'?" he answered sarcastically. I tried to stop myself, but I burst out laughing.

  "Alright, you got me. What's your name?" I asked seriously. He smiled normally, while starting to walk with me.

  "The name is Tord. Tord Larsson. Yours is?" he shot back.

  "(Y/N) (L/N)," I answered quickly. He grinned.

  "Nice name. Now, how did you get into hell? You don't seem dangerous," he commented. I giggled and followed.

  "No, I don't. But, I killed a few people. I eventually died because a victim's friend decided to play hero and avenge the idiot who had it coming," I hissed. Tord stared shocked at me, his wide, metallic-looking eyes scanning me for sarcasm. Then, he stared looking me up and down. I think he was pretty entranced by my own demonic appearance. I continued to walk in silence with him, until he finally spoke.

  "So, wanna hear how I died?" he asked. I nodded vigorously, earning a grin from him.

  "Tell me what you did to get here, too," I ordered. He rolled his eyes and began.

  "So, I've always been a dangerous man. Especially since I ran a whole army. Though, I took it to far when I ordered my troops to bomb a city in which info told me our enemy was keeping base. Due to poor info and my hasty actions, thousands of innocents died because of me. Yet, it backfired when the British authorities found me and killed me when I tried to kill their general," he explained. I stared, wide-eyed and my jaw low to the ground in shock.

  "That's... pretty cool!" I squealed. He stared at me, and his expression faded into a smile. He hugged me tightly, and started to lightly cry. Though, we were demons, so it burned us.

  "I'm sorry, it's just... I kind of regret it," he sighed. I chuckled, gaining his attention.

  "That's the thing about hell. You only regret it after you get down here, not before," I answered. He smiled and stepped back to look at my face closely.

  "I don't know weather it's the vulnerability talking, but I think I may be falling in love with you," he confessed. I smirked and lightly kissed him on the lips. He stood there, shocked. Until, he soon melted into the kiss. We pulled apart, and I took one last sarcastic crack at him.

  "It's the vulnerability," I chuckled. He then continued to smack me, only to cause us both to roar in laughter. I think this was the start of a beautiful relationship. The best part was irony. Two people fell in love and found happiness. In hell, of all places. You really can find love anywhere.

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