Love Song (Tom X Singer! Reader)

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(Gender neutral. How have I NOT used this song, yet?? Also, ONLY play song when I say so.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I was at a karaoke bar at around 8 o'clock at night. I was sitting at a table with my friend, eating and talking. That was when this one guy got on stage. Everyone in the bar gasped, and I didn't know why. That was until I looked up and saw that his eyes were black. I covered my mouth with my hand and my friend leaned over to me.

  "It's weird, right?" they whispered. I shook my head, and they were surprised.

  "He's surprisingly handsome," I breathed. My friend rolled their eyes and sat back down, watching. We were floored when he perfectly sang 'Crossfire' by Stephen and then got off stage.

  The whole bar clapped and cheered, begging for an anchor that he didn't seem willing to give. So, the bar had to accept the fact that he didn't want to sing anymore. He walked past me and my friend, barely noticing us. That was before I turned around.

  "You sang really good," I complimented. He smiled and his face flushed from the compliment.

  "Thank you," he responded. I smiled back and climbed over the seat to sit with him. He chuckled a little at my action. I chuckled, too, after I was settled down.

  "So, what is you're name?" I asked as I outstretched my hand for him to shake. He took it kindly and shook it. His grasp was firm yet kind and gentle. I liked the feeling of his soft hands. Though, compared to his, mine were fragile and petite.

  "Thomas, but you can call me Tom. What's your name?" he asked.

  "(Y/N)," I responded, and we continued to talk. We found out we had a great deal in common, and I even grew to have a small crush on him. Call me crazy, but I fall for people just like that. But, me and Tom sadly had to depart. We said our goodbyes, and arranged to meet again tomorrow.

(Time Skip)

  I was at the bar again, but this time at around 6 p.m. Me and Tom arranged to meet at 6:30, and I wanted to be early. I succeeded in that when I couldn't spot the black-eyed Brit anywhere. I sat down at the table we were seated at last time and awaited his arrival. I ordered my food and ate, watching the door impatiently. At 6:30 exactly, Tom walked in through the door. He caught all the attention in the room as he cleared the floor and sat next to me.

  "Hello, Tom," I smiled. He smiled back and chuckled.

  "Hey, (Y/N). You didn't sing without me, did you?"

  "No," I chuckled. He grinned.

  "Good," he responded. He ordered his food and ate while the rest of the bar listened to these terrible karaoke singers. Then Tom smiled at me and ran his fingers through his hair.

  "(Y/N), I gotta be honest," he sighed. I tilted my head to signify my confusion and he chuckled.

  "What, Tom?" I asked, concerned. He took my hands in his and looked me straight in the eyes.

  "I... I think I might be falling for you. I mean, you're everything that I imagined the love of my life to be. And now, you're here," he blurted. I blushed and stared at him. His confidence started to drain the more I stared. Then I smiled at him.

  "Wanna hear my response?" I asked. He nodded vigorously, and I giggled. I got up and walked over to the stage. A drunken singer was finishing as the Korean announcer called for ]the next singer. I got on stage and took the microphone. She smiled at me, and they started to play my song. I already set my song up as I ate, so they were ready - and so was I.

(Play song now.)

Tom's POV

  (Y/N) was on the stage with a microphone, and I was confused. Are they going to sing their answer? I guess they were, since music started to play and they smiled at me. I blushed as they started.


It's been said and done
Every beautiful thought's been already sung
And I guess right now here's another one
So your melody will play on and on, with the best of 'em
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible
A sinful, miracle, lyrical
You've saved my life again
And I want you to know baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

Constantly, boy you play through my mind like a symphony
There's no way to describe what you do to me
You just do to me, what you do
And it feels like I've been rescued
I've been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
You are and I want you to know baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a (love song baby) love song, baby
I, I love you like a (love song baby) love song, baby
I, I love you (I love you, I love you) like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat (like a love song)

No one compares
You stand alone, to every record I own
Music to my heart that's what you are
A song that goes on and on

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

I love you like a love song

  My face was red by the time (Y/N) finished with the song. (Y/N) came off the stage and walked towards me. They were blushing as we stood inches apart. I closed the gap as I kissed them hungrily. They went wide-eyed, but kissed me back. I smiled happily against their lips as the whole bar cheered and clapped. We pulled away slowly and smiled at each other.

  "So, will you go on a date with me?" I asked. They laughed and pecked my lips.

  "Of course, I will, you dummy. I love you," they purred.

  "I love you, too," I cooed.

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