ASDF Land (Tom X Heartbroken! Reader)

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(F/P) = Favorite Pattern

(Y/N)'s POV

  My crush just declined my love, and I was sitting on a bench outside ASDF Land. I waited for my heart to stop aching when a shadow shrouded me in darkness. I looked up to see a man with a blue hoodie, no eyes, black jeans, and brown hair. He was looking at me, a look of both worry and annoyance on his face.

  "ASDF Land is for fun, not moping. What's wrong?" he asked as he sat down next to me. I turned back to my feet, which where covered by my (F/C) (F/P) converse shoes.

  "I wanted to ask out a guy I like, but he said no," I mumbled. I looked up and I saw his face contort into confusion.

  "Why would he say no to you? I think you're pretty," he says. He blushes lightly, and I do, too. I draw back, and look straight into his 'eyes'.

  "Thank you, it's just, he doesn't like one aspect of my personality," I respond, my voice oozing with disappointment, and drooping my head.

  "What's that?" the man asked. I shrug to myself, thinking, He won't care, will he? If he does, and doesn't like it, it's not like he is that important to me. I look up at him.

  "He thinks I'm weird because I'm not as enthusiastic over the 'modern' music, Pop. I like rapping music, better," I lean back against the bench, "Especially when it has an amazing base in the background." The man seemed to lighten.

  "Hey, can I come right back? I have something to show you," he asks hurriedly. I nod, and he speeds off. I wait a few minutes until he returns.

  "What's that?" I ask. He had a guitar case in his hand, and he was beaming.

  "My base, Susan. I actaully wrote a rap with her music in the background," he tells me. I squeal, and jump up.

  "I'd love to hear it!" The man nods, smiles, and takes out his base. It was a beautiful, yet, beaten base guitar with a black and white checkerboard pattern. The man tunes her up and begins to play and sing. (Just pretend the whole conversation part doesn't happen, and the other guitar Zanta plays is just Tom's base.)

  "That was amazing!" I yell. The man smiles and puts down his base.

  "Thanks..... uh, what is your name?" he asked. I stare at him and smile.

  "(Y/N)! What's your name?" I ask back. The man smiles.

  "Tom," he replies. I get up and put out my hand to him.

  "Hey, Tom, wanna go to ASDF Land with me?" Tom gets up and takes my hand, making us both blush.

  "Sure, anything to make you feel better," he answers as we walk in.

(A/N: This was... well... short.)

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