Requested (Eduardo X Polite! Reader)

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(Gender neutral. For the lovely lunanguyen0901. They made my day with their message. :))

Eduardo's POV

  It was cold outside, and the snow was unbearable. I watch as (Y/N) frolicked in the snowflakes. I grumble and look back towards the living room. Jon was watching the television while Mark read his book. I was bored out of my mind and I sighed. I turn towards the window again. (Y/N) looked so happy...

  I open the front door, which called their attention to me. They grin as they run over. Their sweet face greeted me warmly. That was very ironic to out current setting. Their (e/c) eyes glitter like stars. I would wish upon every single one if for them to let me hold them close.

  "Eduardo, I made a snow angel!" they cried. I chuckle and raise an eyebrow. I scan the yard and see a snow angel. The shape was a match to (Y/N). I smile at them.

  "You are such a child," I chuckle.

  "No I'm not!" they whine. I smirk and bend to their size. Their face turned slightly red. Why, though, was a mystery. Well, I knew why, but the author is ordering me to pretend not to know. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to not know why they're blushing?


  I was snapped back to reality. My nose was inches away from theirs. I wanted to close that gap. But I have to wait another 400 words to reach the authors minimum of 600 words. They smile and touch our noses, making us both blush.

  "You're spacing off again, 'Duardy," they giggle. I blush and softly growl. Their eyes widen and they back away. They knew to never call me 'Duardy. I walk up to them as they cower. I stare into their eyes and snarl.

  "Your eyes are taunting me," I hiss.

  "Wh-what?" they ask timidly. Their face lit up bright red. I step closer. I look over their body. I glare them in the eyes.

  "God, tú eres muy bonito/a," I growl.

  "What does that mean...?" they whimper. I sigh and walk away. They start following and whining. I turn to look at them. My expression was softer.

  "What... did you say?" they asked quietly.

  "I called you handsome/beautiful. Now let's go inside. It's cold," I snort. They blush and the chase after me. The door was shut behind us, blocking off the cold. Jon looks up at (Y/N). Mark didn't even bother.

  "How is it outside, (Y/N)?" he chirps.

  "It's fine," they smile. I went into the kitchen and open the fridge. I take out a diet cola. Right behind me, I hear footsteps. I sigh as I stare straight ahead. I close the door without turning.

  "I know you're there, (Y/N)," I huff. I hear a disappointed whine. I turn, smiling at their cute expression. They looked huffy and frustrated. I had never seen anything so innocent on an adult.

  "Darling, you look cute when you're angry," I chuckle. They blush and huff again. I aww and kneel to their size. I pet their hair and kiss their nose. They blush and their jaw drops. It made me chuckle.

  "Aww, you are so cute," I smile. I walk away and sit on the couch. I hear shuffling behind me. I was about to turn before being pounced on by (Y/N). I cry out while they giggle. They give me kisses all along my head and cheeks.

  "See? You are cute when you're frustrated, too!" they grin. I smile and kiss their lips. I watch as their face lit up. Mine did as well, and I pet their hair.

  This is all I requested.

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