Safe and Sound (Depressed! Tord X Depressed! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe.)

  (Y/N)'s POV

  The world is so unfair to us. Me and Tord have suffered far worse than teasing and name calling. We have been beaten up, rumored about, molested, and pranked. The world is constantly reminding us that our lives are limited. We will die someday, maybe even soon. It is intolerable, but Tord keeps me sane. He has always been there for me, causing me to feel like I want to be more than friends.

  The early morning breeze drifted through the open windows. Me and Tord were nestled on the couch in a giant, red blanket, eating popcorn and watching mass amounts of Camp Camp. We stiffened at all the screaming and cussing, but it was overall a sweet show. Me and Tord's nice time together was cut short when Edd stumbled downstairs. His soft, chocolatey brown hair was in his face.

  "Can you two please quiet down?" he asked politely. We nodded and each dove for the remote. Tord snagged it first and turned down the volume. I took this moment to appreciate that these guys had YouTube on their TV. I watched as Tord snuggled back in, sighing with delight. It was rare to hear him make a sound of joy. Was he okay?

  "Tord, why are you so happy?"

  "What? Should I be sad all the time?" he chuckled. My face paled as I went to cling to him. I felt that I needed to. I looked up at his flustered face. It's deep red color was adorable.

  "No, no, that's not what I mean! I was just wondering why you sound so happy," I sighed. He chuckled and held me close. My face roared to the color of his hoodie. He chuckled, probably thinking it was cute.

  "Because I'm cuddling you, dear," he purred before winking. My face flushed red as I froze. He was playing with my emotions. He was just toying with me. It didn't hurt me at all. We would always mess with each other. At least, I hoped he was just messing with me.

  The rest of the night continued without a problem. The sun rose as Max finally hugged David in the end. It was sadly sweet. Tragically beautiful. We finished our soda and popcorn as Tord stood up and sighed.

  "Well, we stayed up all night. You better get home and I better get some sleep," he yawned. I whined, yet stood up. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. The silver disks seemed to float in the dark white.

  "Fine, you can stay. Only if you get some sleep," he order. I nodded and went to curl up in the couch. Then I heard him sigh. I opened my eyes to see Tord hovering over me. It was almost dream-like. He lifted me up, took my upstairs, and laid me on his bed, cuddling up against me.

  "I can't believe I love you and your stubborn, tired as-"

  "I love you, too," I giggled. I turned over and saw his face. The bright red soared across his cheeks. I giggled and poked his nose. It was adorable how flustered he can get.

  "Classic, flustered Tord," I chimed. I can tell he was annoyed. Yet, this made me continue. He eventually chuckled and kissed my nose. It made me return the look of embarrassed red.

  "Classic, annoying (Y/N)," he chuckled.

  He made me feel safe and sound for the rest of the day. We would hug, cuddle, and talk. He made me lunch, made me coffee, and pet my hair. He was too perfect. That was when I needed something kore from him.

  I neared his door and knocked. He must have expected me. He opened the door and smiled. He ushered me in and closed the door behind himself. His room was cleaner than usual.

  "What do you need (Y/N)-" he asked. For the second time today, I cut him off. Yet, this time, I didn't say anything. It was mute in the room as I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down. I kissed his lips softly and sweetly. He soon kissed back and made it even better. I love this man, and he loves me.

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