My World (Edd X Creative! Reader)

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(Requested by FreddyandGoldie. Gender neutral.)

Edd's POV

  Only two words could make my heart burst; (Y/N) (L/N). Their soft, (h/l), (h/c) hair felt like heaven against my hand. Their (e/c) eyes sparkled like the sea. Their creative personality made me crazy for them, I couldn't help it. I love (Y/N).

  I was on the couch drawing a scene from (Y/N)'s favorite show. I wanted to make it perfect for them. I was almost done, when I heard their voice twinkle above my head. I had half the mind to sink towards them. Yet the other half was yelling. This definitely ruined the surprise.

  "That color is off," they purred in laughter. I gulped and sighed.

  "It was supposed to be a surprise....,"

  "I'm sorry, do you want me to leave so you can finish?" they asked. Their eyes sparkled again, and my heart skipped a beat. My face grew red and they tilted their head. It begged the question; was I showing my affection? Apparently not as they giggled. It was sweet.

  "You're adorable!"

  They walked away, leaving me to sigh in relief. I can't believe that I narrowly escaped that embarrassment. I love them, but I am terrified to admit it. Just the thought of their hand brushing against mine made my vision uneven. That made my whole face a hissing red. This called back (Y/N)'s attention.

  "Edd, are you okay? You seem sick," they asked in concern. I heard Tom fall downstairs with multiple thuds. His drunken hiccups echoed the stairwell. His spiked hair seemed messier. His black eyes were rimmed with dark circles. He chuckled like a school boy.

  "Love suck," he exclaimed.

  "I said 'sick', Tom," claimed (Y/N) with rosey cheeks. This made Tom looked to the left, then start over.

  "Love sick. That is... what I meant," he slurred. His words made me and (Y/N)'s cheeks burn. My heart hammered in embarrassment. I was about ready to stand for myself. But, (Y/N) was also flustered. They cut me off quickly.

  "When Tom is drunk, he makes the wildest stories. You? Love sick?" they began to giggle, and I chuckled sadly. It almost seemed like their returned feelings were too good to be true.

  "Yeah...," I sighed. They turned to me. They looked alarmed at my tone. I went from preppy Edd to mopy Edward. This was highly unusual. Especially around (Y/N).

  "Edd, are you love sick?" they asked. I sighed and nodded. This seemed to hurt them. Their face of pain pierced my heart. They must be thinking they hurt my feelings by offending a girl I like. Why can't they understand? Every girl in the world can go crawling to Tord, I want (Y/N).

  They sat next to me on the couch and sighed. Their eyes were pin pricked with tears. Their eyes no longer sparkled. It made me ache. I needed to make them happy. So I hugged them, and they hugged back.

  "Who do you love...?" they asked. I looked away, afraid to answer. They sighed and began to cry. Their perfect tears hit their lap. I almost needed to kiss them.

  "Of course you wouldn't tell me. But Edd, whoever it is, I need to tell you this. I love you, Edd. I would live for you. I would die for you," they cried. I stared at them in awe. They watched my shock through soggy eyes.

  "I...... I love you, too, (Y/N). That's who I'm love sick for," I smiled. Their frown turned to a grin. They hugged me tightly before kissing me softly. It was the perfect moment. If only a drunken Tom wouldn't have ended it. He waddled into the living room.

  "It's love suck," he bellowed. His slurred voice made us laugh. Alright, maybe the perfect did last. But only a little while. That was until news spread after Tom became sober. Matt - who cannot keep his mouth shut - told Tord. Tord then teased me relentlessly.

  Luckily, (Y/N) stuck up for me. After that fateful day, we started dating. Their hair was always soft. Their eyes always sparkled. They were always especially creative. I love (Y/N). They are my world.

(I needed to write something like this... ❤)

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