Toxicated (Monster! Tom X Injured! Reader)

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(l/c) = Lip color

Tom's POV

The day just went from bad to worse. I was holed up in my room, clutching my head in agony as the wounds on my arms dripped painfully with blood. The horns growing above my forehead paired with my purple claws were making me feel delusional. Though, I could not stop them as my anger rose higher and higher, making my eyes burn with frenzied tears. My tail lashed at everything and anything within reach, and I stare brokenheartedly out the window. I saw (Y/N) laying in the grass, wounds covering her perfect body. Blood spilled onto the yard as Edd and Matt tried their hardest to help her.

Tord's face was pointed toward my window. His expression of anger-- no, fury made the feeling of guilt grow in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to itch at the painful cuts on my arms, but there is no relief that will come from it. I woefully thought how it all came to this? Well, as I looked out on (Y/N)'s eerily peaceful face, I remember.


It was the most ugly summer morning you could imagine. The sun was shrowded with clouds, flowers were wilting slowly, misquitos and bees terrorized children, and the temperature was unbearably hot. I had just got outside to walk around the block, when Tord came running up to me. His rushed pace and guilty look in his eyes made me wait for him. He finally pulled me aside and gasped for breath. As soon as his lips moved, anger grew within me.

"T-Tom, please tell me you didn't see that!"

"See what?" I growled. His Norwegian accent was already giving me a headache.

"Right before you left, I tripped and fell! (Y/N) was right there, and she just so happened to be underneath where I fell, and--"

"Is (Y/N) okay!?" I panicked. (Y/N) - an angel on Earth - was the woman who lived with us. I had a huge crush on her, and how could I not? Her gorgeous (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes that sparkled like the sea, a tight (f/c) hoodie that outlined her perfect body just right, and the most sweet personality that would make even Eduardo swoon. I felt that I needed her in life.

"Yeah... I guess...." Tord muttered. His gray eyes avoided my black ones. Nothing could make me more impatient.

"What. Happened?" I asked firmly. Tord froze and screwed his eyes shut as he sputtered nonsense.

"(Y/N) and I kissed!" he yelped finally. I was so furious with him, that I grabbed his hoodie collar and threw him to the ground. Long, purple claws pinned him down as horns started to prick my forehead. My breath grew into uneven growls as a long tail whipped the air in a raged fashion. Tord groaned beneath my paw and slowly opened his eyes, gasping. My eyes were wide with anger.

"You what!?" I howled into his face. My body shook as tears dripped down my cheeks. I couldn't make out if Tord's expression was supposed to be of pity or fear. Agony tore at my heart as I pictured (Y/N) kissing Tord. Nothing could snap me out of it.

"I-I didn't mean to! Let me g-go!" he stammered as he reached for something in his pocket. I considered his freedom for a moment, then snarled. All the color drained from his face and seemingly entered my own as anger colored my cheeks. Tord's arm stopped dead before I spoke.

"Not until you give back (Y/N)!" I cried. More yelps and growled slipped through my gritted teeth, but not from internal suffering. Tord dug a pocketknife into my skin, blood spraying both of our hoodies. I released Tord from my fists, and his fearful strain ended. Tord bolted for the house and threw the door open.

"Tom's lost it!" he yelled. Edd looked up from the couch as I came crashing into the house, supporting my wounded arm. I glanced around for (Y/N) and any trace of her fateful accident with Tord. I only found Matt blocking (Y/N)'s room. I grabbed him by the face and pushed him aside as he screamed.

"Not the face!" he cried as he barreled into the wall. I threw the door wide open and saw (Y/N) look up. She gasped and ran to me.

"Tom, are you alright?"

"You kissed him..." I growled lowly. She blinked, not quite hearing me. She held my paws in her delicate hands.

"I couldn't hear you, Tom..." she said quitely, awaiting for me to repeat myself.

"You kissed him!" I snarled as I ripped my claws away from her, afraid I would hurt her. But, my fear just made it come true. She toppled to the ground, seething in pain. She lifted her arms to reveal scratches going from her elbows to her wrists. I drew back in horror.

"Tom...?" she called for me, but I was already gone. As soon as I left the room, Tord halted me.

"What did you do!?" he shouted. He saw the blood on my claws. I trembled with anguish.

"(Y/N)'s hurt...." I whined, but Tord drove the knife into my other arm.

"Because you hurt her!" Tord yelled in my face, causing sobs to wrack my body. Tord then raced to (Y/N)'s side. I have never seen him like this, so I quickly left the scene. But, as soon as my feet left the doorway, I was stopped by her...

"Tom! Don't run away! Please!" (Y/N) pleaded. I turned to her with rage still burning me inside.

"I'm leaving! I'll never hurt you again!"

"It will hurt worse if you leave!" she cried. I stomped up to her, a painful desire tearing at my mind and heart. But, I couldn't do anything about it. I swatted her away, causing her to yelp as my claws tore through skin. Fear and agony cut me up as I looked down at her unconscious body.

"If I don't, I'll hurt you all..." I sobbed. As soon as I started crying, Tord ran out. Fury washed over him as he ran towards me.


Then it all went black. I woke up in my room, a ringing headache from when Tord knocked me out with a baseball bat. My arms still bled as I cried hot, sticky tears. (Y/N) remained outside with her blood entangled in her (h/c) locks while I watched from afar.

(Real Time)

I looked away, fear clutching at my gut. It's ice-cold claws dug into me and caused me to gasp or whine time to time. I stole a few glances out the window and steadily made out that (Y/N) was coming to. I could almost hear her tears now. Wether they would be of anger, betrayal, or pain, none knew. As soon as I saw her open her shinging (e/c) eyes, I fell into a feverish sleep.

(After his nap)

I slowly opened my eyes to see (Y/N). Bandages covered her body as she smiled down at my sleeping form. She breathed slowly and lovingly. I blushed heavily as I sat up. I was no longer a monster.

"You're cute when you're asleep," she giggled. I avoided her eye as my face burned brightly. This just caused more giggling. Then, my bed creaked as a weight settled beside me. (Y/N) had sat next to me. I looked up at her, my heart yearning to her soft (l/c) lips. Though, I fought my urges.

"You're toxic, you know that? You fill me up and take over my body, just like a toxin. Even when you hurt me, accident or not, I couldn't help but love you. You're just so... intoxicating," she purred softly. I blushed as she smiled weakly.

"Are you still toxicated?" I crooned jokingly. She exploded into a fit of laughter, rolling around on my bed. I smiled as her tinkling laughter filled my ears. Then, her laughter subsided and she sat up. Her eyes peirced mine and I couldn't look away.

"Yes, I'm still toxicated, Tom,"

"Good. Then I can do this," I grinned as I kissed her softly and sweetly. She almost immediantly kissed back. So, my day just went from bad, to worse, to better than any other day.

(I made a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes due to the fact I wrote this on a phone... like some of my others, such as 'Bad Romance' and 'Bang Bang', both of which being Tord X Readers!)

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