Cuddle Weather (Tord X Tired! Reader) *FLUFF*

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(I have been noticing a pattern... the last story to have a character besides Tom or Tord was 'Pack', and even that one had Tord. The last one to have NO Tom or Tord was 'Requested'. The next one might be about Scribble Tom, or something. And I don't care if I already used this song. It's cute.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  Golden light filters into my bedroom, the comforter covering me feeling warm and heavy, leading me to wonder what caused such a restless sleep. Before I can get up and regain full consciousness, I feel the soft and warm mass against my back. Luckily I am wearing a t-shirt, because as I turn to face this mass, I come face to face with Tord Lasson. Of course I had such restless sleep, Tord was making me shift in my sleep as he curled up with me. Though, seeing his peaceful face and his soft, caramel-colored hair makes me at peace. I've always loved him, and always will, but I won't be telling him that. Yet, he holds me closer, and I feel his warm, soft lips against my forehead.

  "Good morning, min sote," he purrs softly, his breath rustling through my (h/c) hair. It smelled of smoke, but it wasn't harsh and tantalizing. In fact, it's pleasant, and it warms my colder head. I couldn't see Tord's look of surprise when I hold him closer, gently breathing in his scent. It was almost like I was dreaming, and yet it couldn't be, because I am extremely tired.  So, I happily submit to his warmth, falling asleep in his arms. Before closing my eyes, I hear him sigh happily as he wraps his strong, muscular arms around me.

  "Sleep well, min sote,"

(Time Skip)

  Light filters back into my vision, and I wake from the best sleep I have ever had. Tord is still holding onto me, but this time, his hoodie has been discarded. His toned muscles were concealed behind a white wifebeater, and his hair was better groomed, meaning he had gotten up at some point. He looks down at me, his silver eyes shining in the morning light. A soft, loving smile tugs at his lips, and he holds me closer by my lower back.

  "How did you sleep?" Tord's asks gently. A gentle calm floods over me as I feel him massage my back, despite his cold hands. This, combined with his chin resting on my head, I sigh happily. I don't have the heart to answer, until I hear the door slowly open. The stench of hangover wafts into the room. Tom's voiced echos quietly within the walls.

  "Wake up, (Y/N), Edd make breakfast..." he yawns. Tom walks out of the room He has no second thoughts as to Tord holding me close, his hand now in my hair. I never want to get up, but Tord has other plans. Tord yawns, exposing sharp and snow-white canine teeth that makes me squeak quietly. He looks down at me, and chuckles softly. The bed shivers as he sits up and holds me in his lap.

  "Aww, did I scare you, min sote?" he coos.

  "What does that even mean?" I ask tiredly, yawning as well.

  "Min sote means my sweet, so, you are therefore my sweet. My sweet, sweet (Y/N)..." he answers, the soft and loving tone in his voice soothing me. Tord shuffles out of bed and stands up, stretching his arms into the air. He turns back around to lift me bridal style into his arms. My head rests gently against his shoulder with his strong arms holding me close to his chest. He walks downstairs and turns to Edd.

  "Edd, may you please make (Y/N) the best breakfast you have ever made in your life?" he asks, as if this would be an easy feat.

  "So this is how you chose to confess your love, Commie? Trespassing into her room and cuddling her, and then ordering Edd to make her food?" Tom asks grumpily. His hangover was still prominent, I presume. Yet, Tord ignores him, and sets me in my usual chair at the table.

  "Yes, it is," he grumbles, before turning to me with a soft loving look, "and I'm waiting on her response." I blush, and without thinking, I answer with my heart and soul pouring into my words.

  "I love you, too, Tord,"

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