Perfection (Tom X Insecure! Reader)

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(This is in dedication to BlueHeart_Ap. They made my day with a comment they made and I hope this does the same for them.)

(Art by Moho-roselemonade-and-cockade on Tumblr)

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(Art by Moho-roselemonade-and-cockade on Tumblr)

Tom's POV

  The cold winter day was still fairly pleasant. I watched as the snow piled along the ground. Beside me was (Y/N), her (h/l) (h/c) hair framing her beautiful face. The (e/c) eyes that grew to be my weakness scanned the newly laid white blanket in the yard. Snow was quite rare in London, as it was fairly warm most of the time. So, I wanted to share this memory with (Y/N).

  "Tom, will you please stop staring at me?" (Y/N) asks bashfully. I blink out of my trance and I see (Y/N) watching me. My face heats up and I quickly turn away. I hear her giggle as her soft, gentle hand brushes my shoulder. I look over at her to see her smiling.

  "It's okay. I know, I'm ugly," she sighs softly. Even with the smile on her sweet face, I frowned. I hug her close to me. She squeals from my sudden action. Yet, I didn't care, for she was perfect to me. How dare she condemn herself.

  "Why would you say that, (Y/N)? You should know that's not true. You are beautiful," I hiss. Her face goes pink as she looks away. Her body language said it all. I narrowed my eyes as I understood.

  I'm ugly, is all that her movements reflected to me. This made me frown and get up. No amount of sow and ice could keep me rooted there. I will not listen to her lies. I'll make her see the truth. Crap, now I sound like a Christian.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Tom left, the only sound I heard being him sighing. His warm, comforting, and firm hands left me. It was a scary thought to think he left because I said something to upset him. I love him dearly, and to think I angered him did not sit well. So, I got up to get something to drink.

  As soon as I opened the fridge, I hear Matt. His voice was in high contrast to my emotion. It sounded joyous and happy. The sound radiated with ignorance and bliss. Maybe he took the blue pill in Matrix. Shaking my head, I pour (f/d) into a mug. That's when I hear Matt's words.

  "Tom, what's with all that stuff? Fairy lights? Markers? Chocolate? This isn't like you," he remarks.

  Yet I ignore him. Tom was angry at me. I wouldn't be surprised if it was for a prank. Sighing, I got to my feet and walk to the bathroom. It'll help to get a good shower.

(Time Skip)

  I put on the clothes I had prepared for after my shower. After I finally left the room, I noticed a trail of blue rose petals. Confusion spread through my mind and body. I followed them anyway and found myself at my own door. This only heightened my curiosity as I pressed my fingers to the door. I gasped and teared up at what I saw; it was gorgeous.

  Fairy lights were strung around the room gloriously, bringing life to it's walls. A box of my favorite chocolates laid peacefully upon my bed, wrapped neatly in a royal blue bow. Sticky notes in a nice shade of baby blue were stuck to my headrest, mirror, and closet door. Each one had a compliment written on them in marker. Upon the mirror was my favorite, only this time, it was a large piece of blue construction paper cut into the shape of a heart with a hole in the middle where I saw my own reflection. The heart was decorated with only one word.


  That's when I heard a voice behind me. It was deep and rough, though kind and gentle. I immediately recognised it. Turning to see him, I was met with his dark brown hair. His taller stature was perfectly met with his black eyes and blue hoodie. I smile as he kisses me softly.

  "You're perfect to me,"

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