If You Need Help (Tord X Bullied! Reader) *FLUFF*

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe

Also, shout out to Presley_Cipher ! I made a comment in a story and they recognized me! How am I being recognized!?)

Tord's POV

  Most of (Y/N)'s life, I have been there, but so has bullying. She doesn't deserve this. She is more beautiful than those snotty brats who wear so much make-up they look like clowns. She is smarter than those kids who made fun of her grades. She is stronger than those punks who call her a wimp. She is important to me, not just because she is my best friend, but because I love her. Even if she leaves me to be 'cooler' - if she ever wanted that - than I would still love her long after she's gone.

  We were walking to the park, her brilliant ideas spilling out of her soft, gorgeous lips. Her bright (e/c) eyes sparkled with intelligence and thought. I admired her charm and morals. I was lost in the haze of her everything when a group of girls stopped us. Their bubblegum pink shirts and blouses made me feel sick. Their curled, bleach blonde hair made them resemble barbie dolls. Their faces were plastered in make-up.

  "What are you doing here? This is our turf, trash," they remarked to (Y/N) with giggles. I snarled and they looked at me. Their faces paled through their fake, rosey blush.

  "She has all the right to be here. And she is not trash. If anything, you're trash. You look so plastic and fake, I'd put you in my recycling," I hissed. This made (Y/N) giggle, and I smiled to myself. The barbie wanna-bes gasped.

  "How dare you! And you were good looking, too," the leader huffed. I laughed.

  "Still am, you just expected me to be nice to a bunch of barbie dolls," I snickered. They turned on their heals and walked away with their chins pointed up. I turned to see (Y/N) smiling and giggling. I smiled and hugged her. She hugged back.

  "Why did you do that for me?"

  "Why wouldn't I?"

  "I don't know. You're my best friend!"

  There is was. The friend zone to kick me in the rear end. It was torture being called "best friend" by her. I sighed and frowned. This confused (Y/N) as she caressed my cheek with her soft hands. I purred, but my frown remained.

  "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly. I looked away, shaking her hand off.

  "Nothing... you wouldn't understand,"

  "I think I do. Did I forget to say 'boyfriend'?"

  I looked up, blush covering my face. She giggled and blushed as well. We stood there as blushing messes. It was a pristine silence. Yet, not invincible.

  "I love you, Tord. I thought you knew that? Do you love me, too?" she asked. I nodded and she grinned. It was like a dream coming true. It was almost too good to be true. But, it was true.

  "Tord, will you go out with me?"

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