For Me (Tord X Self Harming! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe and art by Moho-Milk-Down-and-Paper-Town)

(Y/N)'s POV

  The clear water pecked at the sink, driving away my dirty blood as it spills away from my body. Something silver, shining, and brilliant committed a great evil at my bay. The brilliant blade meant for the meat of beast was used against its master. The flesh of a living human only fueled its hunger. It took the pain away from the poor soul that stared at the mirror right now. Their (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin that hid the pain and suffering inside.

  I was the poor soul. I took one of Edd's kitchen knives. It's cold metal was welcome to me. But, not to the man who opened the door behind me. His eyes widened when he saw my state. His comforting arms embraced me, making more progress in making this pain leave than the knife.

  "I told you to stop..." he cried, his thick accent drowning out the water's plink. His warm tears tickled the back of my neck. Only I had the power to make this strong man weak. I looked up and saw familiar caramel horns. His red hoodie covered his shivering body. His gray eyes were turning a sparkling ruby from grief.

  "I said 'stop'... Why won't you listen, (n/n)?"

  I turned to meet the sad Norwegian, his face streaked in red tear trails

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  I turned to meet the sad Norwegian, his face streaked in red tear trails. He looked up at my pitiful face and held me close. This man made me feel safe, but sad at the same time. This man was my best friend. Yet, I loved him more than I can think. But, why would he love me, when everyday I defy his request to quit?

Tord's POV

  Blood freckled the bathroom floor underneath (Y/N)'s hand. She keeps doing this after I said 'stop'. What if she doesn't care about me and that's why she refuses my urges to help her. The mere thought sends dangers into my aching heart. I was currently holding the most fragile woman I knew in my arms. And yet, the only thing I wanted to do was keep her to myself.

  We eventually pulled from each others arms as we heard Edd grumbling. He made his way to the bathroom that held the two people that needed each other. His green hoodie appeared by the door as he hissed. He sounded angry. This is one of the reasons why (Y/N) needs to stop.

  "I swear, stop stealing my knives! I use those to cook, ya know!" he growled. His eyes swept over (Y/N) and her condition. He sighed and left the room. I was expecting him to just discard this, but he returned with a towel.

  "Just clean up, please,"

(Time Skip 'cause I'm lazy)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I was watching TV with Tord. His arms held me close, keeping me from getting up. He is not going to let me go until food is ready. The shown TV engulfed him, but not me. This left me to examine Tord's body language.

  His shoulders were hunched over as he held me in locked embrace. He was clearly trapping me. His eyes were fixed solemnly on the television. His expression had no emotion on it. I could not distinguish anything about him from the inanimate objects in the room. I wanted to kiss his cheek to reanimate him.

  So, that's what I did. I reached up to his cheek and pecked it with my lips. This made Tord's face match his signature color and his eyes widen. A soft silver glittering in his eyes. I was scared he was going to be angry, but instead, he held me closer.

  He kissed my head, his soft lips beckoning me into a warm feeling. A feeling of love. I smiled and we shared a tender, sweet kiss. It was more appealing than the guilty hugs we had after I cut. No, this was more beautiful. So, when we parted, I felt happier than I have in a while.

  "I will make you believe you are lovely," Tord purred.

  I think I won't cut today, for him.

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