Sober Part 2 (Future! Tom X Future! Reader X Red Leader)

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(Requested by StarTheShapeShifter. Gender neutral.)

Tord's POV

  I watch diligently as Tom held (Y/N)'s hand. They walk down the concrete sidewalk, the clicking of their feet echoing the street. Alleyways were more Edd's style, not mine, but it had to do. I was absolutely fuming that something was able to make Jehovah happy. He shouldn't be happy in my world. So, I concluded something. My face split into an eerie grin.

  I am going to take what makes him happy. I am going to rip it away from him like candy from a baby. The best part is, it will prove a challenge. Because, I am not after an 'it'. I am after a person. I watch as Tom leaned over to kiss (Y/N)'s cheek. It made them giggle, and me gag.

  I climb out of the shadows after the coast was clear. I watch them move along, making absolute sure that neither would turn. They need to feel safe so my plan can work. That means, no looking over their shoulders. At least, not constantly. I took a radio from my belt and press a button. It was clear what I had to do next.

  "Paul, ask for (Y/N) (L/N) to join me for dinner,"

Tom's POV

  (Y/N) made me weak, I'll tell ya that. The pink and golden sunset I saw was beautiful because they made it beautiful for me. We have been dating for a week now, and they were just as kind and optimistic throughout as when I met them. They even led me to believe that Red Leader could be overthrown. I grip their hand tightly, causing them to chuckle.

  "Tommy, your cutting off all the circulation in my hand,"

  "Sorry, sweetheart," I smile apologetically. My visor's light made (Y/N)'s face glow. The darker it got, the more thankful I was I could still see them. That was when I hear (Y/N)'s phone go off. They reach into their pocket and pick up the phone.

  "Hello?" they answer. Their face goes pale. I look over in worry, confusion clouding my mind. The hang up and stand there. They take a deep breath before turning to me. They look me straight in the visor, as if asking if they could confide in me. I nod, before they start shaking.

  "Red Leader wants me to accompany him to dinner,"

  Everything shattered. It sounded like someone hit a plane of glass with a baseball bat. I shook with jealous anger. Can't that Commie back off!? That was before I sigh and look up at them.

  "If he tries anything, anything, tell me," I order. They nod, and start walking away. I knew where they were headed. Towards the army base on the other side of town. The one that Red Leader currently resides in.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I made it to Red Leader's base, the doors shut and locked. Before I could knock, they open wide open. I was greeted by Red Leader himself. He had this genuine smile on his face. At least, I assumed it was genuine. He opens his arms out wide in welcome. Yet, it also reveals he was unarmed.

  He was harmless, for now.

  "Ms./Mr. (L/N)! How please I am to meet you!" he chimes. His Norwegian accent was slightly attractive, yet I straightened. You are with Tom. You are haply with Tom. You love Tom, and he loves you. Red Leader just invited you to dinner, that's all.

  "Good evening, Red Leader. But, you don't have to call me that. Just refer to me as (Y/N)," I respond. I had to be friendly to him. Otherwise, I might not get out of here alive. Tom made me a bit more paranoid.

  "How honored I am to have you here, (Y/N). Come in, we are just about to serve dinner. Tell me, do you like (f/f)?" he asks kindly. His hand was now out stretched. I may as well take it.

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