Sleepy Soul (Tord X Weaboo! Reader)

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(So apparently, my school likes to hit people over the head. So I start school mid August. So, have some sexy Norsk boi. Also, my Anime Club was overrun with boys, girls, and non-binary pals, so this is gender neutral.)

(Art by our lord and savior, Moho-Rose-Lemonade-and-Cocade

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(Art by our lord and savior, Moho-Rose-Lemonade-and-Cocade.)

Tord's POV

  The soft static of the television fills the empty living room. A microwave timer blares as I drag the finished popcorn bag out of it's tomb. My fingers lace around the edges to pull the bag apart in the satisfying hiss of popcorn and butter. The soft smoke if the microwave's abuse to the kernels fills the warm July night air. Nothing like popcorn and anime to soothe your paranoid nerves. Thomas had gone to see his mother, and visit his father's grave, and he would be gone for a few days. Edd and Matt were going to get more Cola, but their typical trip always consists of random junk to fill the household.

  The only other being in the house is (Y/N). I would say the only other soul, but I wonder if they have one. They are always in their room, watching YouTube and living off Doritos and Mountain Dew. A soft prod to the play button resumes episode 4, season 1 of 'Soul Eater'. The show was new to me, but I already adored it. Specifically one of the main characters named Soul. He was relatable in an almost terrifying sense.

  "Is that Soul Eater!?"

  (Y/N) practically teleported from the confines of their covers to the couch beside me. The theme song of the shoe began, and the loudest sound to my ears was akin to a small child seeing it's favorite toy. My head swivels towards my new company. With (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes the shade of wonder and amusement. I watch them, my eyebrow raising at their enthusiasm. They then turn their confusion to me.

  "What?" Their soft voice ponders aloud. It's almost as if I was under a spell, cast by their eagerness. I pause the show for their own sake. Facing them, I hold a calm expression.

  "Why are you so excited?"

  They gasp aloud, as if questioning how I dare offend this masterpiece. Their mouth agape and hand sheltering their heart, I ignore their petty distress. That is until I hear a small wheeze. I turn to ensure (Y/N) is okay, only to see their futile anger boiling in their face. Silvery eyes roll in annoyance as I return my attention to Soul Eater.

  Episodes fly by like my sanity. Upon the ending of episode 10, and I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder. Turning my attention to the person beside me, I see their head leaning against me. Growing to the hue of a cherry, I noticed that at one point, they linked their arm with mine. I'll be the first to admit, I had a fairly large crush on my sleeping roommate. With a soft kiss to their head, I bid goodnight, and cover them with a blanket.

  The next morning was full of happy chatter between (Y/N), Matt, and Edd. Scents of pancakes and lemonade twist and curl through the air, and I hurry downstairs. That's when I'm met with silence. A silence brought on by Edd grinning like a giddy middle school student, and Matt biting his knuckle to avoid bursting into laughter. (Y/N)'s face was bright, warming my entire body.

  "Thanks for the kiss, Tord. It made me feel good about myself. Also..."

  "I do have a soul."


(Hey, guys. I hope you enjoy this little bit of fluff. Actually, during the writing process for this story, my beloved cat, Loki, died. I just want you say, hold your pets close and remember, you aren't always promised a tomorrow. We thought Loki was healthy, and then only an hour later, I held my baby in my arms as he passed. Also, if your pet is sick, take them to the vet. Don't worry so much about money or timing. That worrying is what prevented us from making sure Loki was as healthy as we wanted to believe.)




Jan 2017 - Jul 31, 2018

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