Alcohol Is Good On Cuts (Tamara X Depressed! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

  I dropped the knife in my hand and studied the fresh cuts on my arm. I watched the blood stream from my wounds, and I began to cry. I tried to hold back my tears, but they rolled endlessly down my face. I shuddered, and let out my sobs. After my parents died when I was only 16, everything went to the dogs. I started getting bullied, and my grades plummeted. The worst part was when my girlfriend left me because people started teasing her for dating me; a lonely, depressed, lesbian geek.

  It's been about 6 years since my parents got killed by that drunk driver, but I'm just worse. The world has been abusing me for years, and it threw another boulder at me. Recently, I moved in with my best friends. After I did, I realized I was in love with one of them; Tamara. Her beautiful, brown hair, her black eyes make her look cool and interesting, and her usual outfit makes her have that edge of power that no one knows of. Which, she does. The power to make me happy, which no one has been able to do since my parents died.

  "(Y/N), you okay?" a high pitched girl asked from the other side of the door. She heard me crying, I grimaced to myself, you little crybaby b*tch. I started to cry again at that. That's exactly what the bullies in my senior year of high school said to me, when I cried in class because we were talking about parents.

  "I'm fine, Matilda," I answer through sobs, as I picked my knife back up again. I waited for Matilda's footsteps to signal her leave before I cut myself again. I waited a solid 5 minutes, and I still didn't hear Matilda leave.

  "Are you su-," she began, but I lost my temper and hold of my sanity.

  "I said I'm fine!" I scream through tears, and I can no longer take it. I cut my wrist, letting Matilda hear the slash and my crying of pain and anguish.

  "No, you're not (Y/N)!" she cried. I heard her pound stubbornly and worriedly against the door. "You're hurting yourself, and that's not 'fine'!"

  "Wait, (Y/N)'s doing what?" asked a worried voice. I tensed as I recognized Tamara talking.

  "N-nothing, Tamara," I whimpered, crying so hard my tears mixed accidentally with my blood.

  "She's cutting herself," Matilda whined to Tamara, and I sighed. I put down the knife, just where Tamara could see it if she walked in, and let my wrists reveal themselves to the next person to enter. Just as I expected - and kinda hoped - Tamara walked in. She gasped and covered her mouth. I watch in brutal shame as Tamara began to cry.

  "Why...?" she asked. I turned to her, my face red and puffy from crying.

  "Because my parents are dead, no one cares, and you don't return my feelings," I mutter. Tamara sat next to me, moving the knife out of my reach.

  "I care, and how do I not return your feelings?" she asked, the corners of her mouth drooping sadly.

  "I know you don't love me," I whispered.

  "I do love you-" Tamara confined, but I blurted as she finished 'you'.

  "Not in the way I do, Tamara! I love you in the way I want to kiss you, I want to hold you when you are at your lowest and tell you 'it's alright' or 'you're not alone', and I want you to love me the same way!" I yell, letting Tamara and Matilda, whom was still outside, hear me.

  "I-I never knew, (Y/N)..." Tamara stuttered, her face turning red. I blush as well, but turn away.

  "Of course you never did. You don't feel the same way, and I know it. You don't show it in the way you look at me, or when you speak to me, or when you say you care," I wailed, throwing a tantrum like an infant. Before I could continue my rant, I felt Tamara hug me. I listened closely as she whispered in my ear.

  "I do love you, and I do feel the same way. If I haven't shown you enough, I will change that. Just, stop hurting yourself," she begged. I smile, and turn. I hug her back and kiss her cheek.

  "I will, as long as you uphold your promise," I murmur. She smiles and nods. We stand hugging each other for a couple minutes until Matilda walks in and joins our hug. Then, Matilda breaks the sweet silence.

  "This sounds like the 'X Readers' I read online,"

(A/N: How to break the 4th wall like a professional. #Profesh)

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