Hunter and Hunted (Werewolf! Tord X Hunter! Reader)

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(Just imagine a brown timber wolf and then Tord. Also this:)

 Also this:)

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Tord's POV

The trees blurred beside me as I ran through the forest. I was panting heavily and my lungs burned, but I couldn't stop running. The reason why was right behind me, holding a gun. Her eyes were narrowed with me as their target. I was a wolf, and the person chasing me was a hunter. So, of course, I was just a trophy for them.

"Get... back... here!" she called, out of breath. Though, I didn't stop. My paws were growing tired and heavy. I finally collapsed, my legs not working anymore. So, naturally, I howled in agony as I felt a bullet pierce my leg. My own thick, warm blood trickled onto the grass. I whined as she hoisted me up into their truck and packed herself in. Just before the engine roared to life, I passed out from fear, exhaustion, and blood loss.

(Time Skip)

I came too, pain seeping back into my leg. I noticed how I was laying on a couch in a strange new home. My paws... wait, my paws. I stared in relief at my hands. I was back into my human form. You see, I'm a werewolf. I switch between wolf and human forms. It freaks people out, even Edd.

So, when I'm a wolf, they release me into the nearby woods. I stay there until I turn back. Yet, this time, I was hunted down and shot. I decided to check my wound. Right above my knee were bloody bandages wrapped around my leg. I looked up and surveyed the home. It was nice, but, the thing I was concerned about was what was weighing against my chest.

A fully grown woman was sleeping against my chest, her (h/l) (h/c) hair messy from the hunt she endured to catch me. She must've not known I was the wolf she nearly killed, though, considering that she looked calm and happy. I whined silently, wanting to get away from her. That was just before she woke up with a flash, and whipped her head around, searching for the wolf that she caught - the one that whimpered. She finally laid her eyes on me, and her face went red. She scooted off of me, and began trying to explain herself.

"I-I'm so sorry, it's just... you looked so comfortable a-and you were so warm that I must've fell asleep... on top of.... you..." she stammered. I found it adorable, so I chuckled and cracked a smile. She looked up at me, and her (e/c) eyes glittered.

"Y-your not mad..?" she asked hesitantly. I looked her, my smile remaining.

"Oh, I am. But, it's stemming from the pain," I explained, "How you stuttered, though, was adorable." She blushed harder, standing up and looking down at me. Getting down to business, eh? I thought.

"Why were you in the back of my truck, sir?" she asked firmly. I looked up at her, and smirked. I narrowed my eyes, my silver pupils glittering dangerously.

"And why were you hunting wolves at that time of night?" I quizzed. She froze, the shade of her face putting my hoodie to shame.

"None of your business. Answer me," she growled. I like her, my inner voice purred.

"Well, you see, I don't exactly like being shot," I hinted. She stared at me, and her eyes grew wide.

"I-I shot you...!?" she squealed fearfully. I nodded, and sighed. She began crying, apologizing repeatedly.

"I'm fine. Calm down," I huffed. My face lightly turned pink, considering I don't like being fussed over.

"You're not fine! But wait... how did I shoot you? I only shot that timber wolf last night," she thought aloud.

"You did shoot a timber wolf. Just, not one of the locals. You shot me, a werewolf. That's why I whimpered," I answered. Her jaw hung low in shock. She looked me up and down, mainly stopping at my wound and face. I decided to play with her little bit. So, I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Like what you see~?" I asked lightly. Her face turned deep red, and her gaze locked with mine. I thought she was about to knock me out, until she nodded slowly. Alright, then~, my mind decided.

"Y-you know what? You can go home n-now... sir...?" she stammered. I got up, limping. I hopped over to her and steadied myself by putting my hand on her shoulders.

"Tord. My name is Tord. But you can call me whatever you want~," I teased. She finally gained the courage to flick my forehead. I growled with surprise as she giggled at my sudden reaction. I liked her giggle. It was pretty.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was floored. This attractive man before me was the same wolf I shamelessly shot and dragged home. I didn't know how, but, I believe I was starting to gain a crush on him. But, how? I barely know this man! He might be a killer, or a terrorist, or worse! Though, he seemed nice enough.

"Hey, are you... uh... are you a terrorist? Or a killer?" I asked hesitantly. He just stared at me, shocked I would ask.

"No. The worst that I could be is a communist," he replied. A communist? Alright... I can work with this, I reasoned.

"Alright, then, Tord. What do you plan on doing right now?" I asked. Tord licked his lips as he watched my face heat up.

"Well, my instincts are telling me to kiss you, but my rational side is saying to just get home. Though, my instincts are growing stronger than ration~," he smirked. I bit my lip to stop from yelling at him. That must've earned a different course of thought from him. Pervert, I instantly accused.

"Well?" I asked. He leaned in, his breath feeling hot against my ear.

"I think I'll go with my instincts~," he teased. I wanted to push him off, which I attempted, but he was stronger. He leaned in and locked his lips with mine. I suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. I was being kissed by a man I just met and had shot him in the leg the night prior. I was kissing a werewolf.

"T-Tord," I managed to breath out after we broke apart for air. Tord was panting like a dog, while I tried to catch my breath. He stared into my eyes, and I could see the wolf inside him. I was fascinated by it. So, I lifted my hands to hold his head steady.

"What are you doing?" he chuckled. I didn't take my eyes off the wolf. It was laying in wait, full of energy. Just like how Tord was currently clutching my shoulders and waiting for me to say something.

"You have handsome eyes. They're really emotional," I muttered mindlessly. Tord's face went red. I let go of his face, waiting for him to make his move. He leaned back in and kissed me gently. He pulled away after a few seconds and starting to hop away. My body yearned for him to come back.

"Thank you. Now, I must be getting home," he sighed. I looked up at him and nodded. I understood, no matter how much I didn't want to.

"I hope you get home safe," I replied. Then, a thought went off in my head. Tord looked at me as I grinned.

"What?" he asked.

"You're injured. You have to go to the hospital, or I have to help you myself. So, I either have to take you to the hospital, or... you have to stay with me," I concluded. He blushed, and rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'll stay. But, I have to call my friends and tell them I'm okay," he pleaded. I allowed him. Several months passed. He healed nicely and left only a scar. After that, though, me and Tord started a loving relationship. I stopped hunting and now I found work as a zookeeper.

I take care of the wolves there. Once I came home from work and told Tord about how a wolf there had pups. Tord instantly smirked, and gave me a passionate kiss. I was about to ask what that was about, before he answered. I could see and almost practically hear the wolf in him howl.

"I bet we would make some good looking pups," he sighed.

(Here ya' go. I loved writing that, so I hope you loved reading it. If not, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.)

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