Lazy Saturday (Neko! Tord X Lazy! Reader)

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(This is what Tord bab looks like

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(This is what Tord bab looks like.)

Tord's POV

  I was bolting down the cold, slippery cement sidewalk in my cat form, my stomach being louder than my cries of fear. A large dog was on my heels, snapping viciously at my tail. It's drooling jaws snapped at my leg, making me cry in pain. I ran - limping - to an old building. I didn't bother to read the sign, leading me to a horrible mistake. The dog ran on past me as I ducked behind the door. I panted for breath, before two burly hands grabbed me.

  "Poor kitty," a man soothed. Though, the kennel he put me in wasn't as soothing. I continued to cry for help for days, only to be hissed at by other cats. I didn't care, because I could kill them if I wanted. I waited for about a week, until a woman entered the kennel. She had (h/l), (h/c) hair and gentle (e/c) eyes. She wore a (f/c) hoodie and blue jeans.

  I twitched my ear and watched her. She intrigued me. Though, the other cats only cared about being adopted. I limped to a corner and sat there, while a mob of cats flooded the door. Yet, when the woman walked up, she noticed me. She watched me as I stared at her, all the while limping towards the middle of the kennel.

  "Why is he limping?" she asked, concerned. I started purring, and my tail wagged. I liked her voice. It was soothing. More soothing than the one that belonged to the man the put me here.

  "A week ago, I found him being chased by a dog. He must've been bitten," the man explained. I rolled my eyes. Thanks, Sherlock. You broke the case, I thought sarcastically. The woman looked down at me, and smiled.

  "I like him. I'll adopt him, please," she said politely. I could hear the other cats groaning in anger and disappointment.

  "Him!? But he doesn't do anything but cry!"

  "The cat that doesn't try gets the prize. Typical underdog,"

  "He'll be back by tomorrow. I highly doubt a woman like that wants a cat like him,"

  I growled lowly at them, twitching my tail. That was when the gate swung open, and the woman tip-toed in. The other cats started pleading to take them instead. Either this woman knew cats like the back of her hand, or she could understand.

  "I'm sorry, kitties, but I want to take him home. He looks lonely, while you all look like you got each other," she cooed apologetically. Some cats were surprised, some where in agreement, others were hesitant to believe her, still following her and mewling. She picked me up gently, and held me safely in her arms. She petted the top of my head, earning a loud purr. She smiled at me, and giggled. I liked her giggle.

  She paid the kennel owner and left. She sat me down on the passenger seat of her (f/c) (f/car) and petted me as we drove steadily down the street. We finally got to her peaceful home, and she carried me inside. As soon as I got my feet on the ground, I realized something. Great, I'm trapped again.

  She continued to set up a litter box, cat bed, and food dish. That was when she turned to me, thinking deeply. She petted my neck, and enjoyed it. I purred loudly, and even meowed in pleasure. She cracked a smile, and kissed the top of my head.

  "Good kitty. I think I'll name you Red," she exclaimed. That wasn't my name, but, it was better than something stupid like 'Fluffy'.

(Five months later)

  I grew to like (Y/N), which was the woman's name. She would sit on the couch and hold me on her lap, petting me as she watched TV. To be honest, I even kind of fell in love with her. She would let me sleep in her room with her, which made it awkward for me. Though, sometimes, when she was super tired, I would transform into a human, and hold her in her sleep. Once she almost woke up, but I was a cat when her eyes opened.

  Though, in the past month, it's been getting harder and harder to avoid her seeing me in my human form. I was in the bathroom brushing my hair, when the door started to open. (Y/N) only saw my tail before I turned into a cat. Good thing she assumed I was just jumping from the counter, instead of hiding a secret. I trotted out of the room, only to lay on the couch and groan to myself over the close call. I also noticed that when I would hold her at night, she would hold on to me, and make my face go fully red. There were so many close calls, I just decided to stop hiding it.

  It was Saturday, and I was laying on (Y/N)'s lap as a cat. She was petting my head, purring loudly. She was watching TV, but was uninterested with what was on. So, I decided to follow through with my plan.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I closed my eyes, hoping to sleep. I continued to pet Red's head, his purr hypnotizing. It didn't sound like a normal purr. It sounded foreign, like he had an accent. I started to wonder about that, my eyes still closed, when I felt Red's weight shift. He got heavier, and somehow bigger. My eyes shot open with shock, only to notice a man sitting on my lap.

  He had glittering silver eyes and caramel hair styled like devil horns. He had cat ears and a fluffy tail that continued to sway against my leg. My face went red. I opened my mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by the man hugging me. He was still straddling my legs, and sitting on my lap. He wore a red hoodie and black jeans, as well as scars all over him.

  "Wh-who are you...?" I gasped. He lifted his head, staring into my eyes. I felt... safe. I also felt something else. A vibration in his chest. Was he purring?

  "I'm who you call Red. But, my name is actually Tord," he replied in a thick Norwegian accent. My heart fluttered. So my cat was this attractive man in front of me? No, that can't be it. I started to frantically look back and forth, searching for Red. I even called his name, only for the man to prod my shoulder with his hand when I did.

  "So, you are actually R-Red..?" I muttered. He nodded, and his ear twitched. Just like it did the day I adopted him. I was about to speak, but 'Tord' beat me to it.

  "I understand. It's confusing, and it will be awkward in our relationship now. So, I guess all I can ask is... don't kick me out. I have no home, and I love you," he purred. I started to give a weak but loving smile, as I continued to pet his hair. He leaned against my hand, purring.

  "Of course I'm not gonna kick you out. You can stay in my room, too. Just... don't change in front of me," I blushed. He snickered, and rested his head on my shoulder.

  "I won't," he promised. I smiled, and then realized my legs were falling asleep. I tapped his shoulder, and he looked at me. His eyes were huge and cat-like, yet warm and loving.

  "Can we please sit differently? My legs are falling asleep," I giggled. When I giggled, he smiled warmly and purred loudly.

  "Of course,"

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