War Over Love (Tord X Confused! Reader X Tom)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

  Love. You may say it can heal you, make you happy, and save you. Others may say love is just a waste of time, something to break you or drive you mad. What if I told you I felt neutral about love? It doesn't do anything for me, so I don't pay attention. That's how Tom and Tord started getting confused over my emotions towards them, and started a war.

Tord's POV:

  I woke up late one morning, my hair messy and my gray eyes a light pink from exhaustion. I rubbed my eyes, yawned, and stretched. The light danced on the red walls, causing the room to practically glow. I gently pushed myself off the bed and headed downstairs. Then, I heard Jehovah talking. I didn't hear a second voice, so I just assumed he was talking to himself. So, I went into the kitchen and began making toast. Only then did I hear someone respond.

  "Why can't you decide weather you like me or the commie more?" Tom fussed while on the couch.

  "I can't. I don't know how I feel about either of you," I instantly perked up. That was (Y/N)'s voice!

  "Then how do you think I-... I mean... we feel, then?" Tom blurted gently. I began to burn with rage. Does Jehovah really think he can steal her from me!?

  "I don't know how you feel. How about... you decide how I feel?" she said suddenly. I burst into the living room, ignoring the growling of my stomach.

  "I want you to love me!" I screamed. Tom glared at me with a deep hate, while (Y/N) turned and stared at me.

  "If it was up to me, she wouldn't love you. She would love me," Tom hissed through gritted teeth. (Y/N) continued to stare at Tom, her heart utterly torn between us. I began to silently cry.

  "(Y/N), if you can't choose, and me and Tom are butting heads over you, let's have someone else decide!" Tom and (Y/N) stared at me. I began to faintly blush from (Y/N) staring at me.

  "How about we ask Edd?" (Y/N) asked. I smiled lightly and watched (Y/N) with loving, soft, silvery eyes.

  "That's a great idea,"

Tom's POV:

  I watched in horror as Tord and (Y/N) bonded over the idea. I felt alone, abandoned, and unloved. I began to tear up.

  "(Y-Y/N)... you care about me right..?" I stuttered. Tord and (Y/N) watched me as I began. (Y/N) smiled, and watched sadly at me.

  "Of course I care about you. You're one of my closest friends," she purred. Her voice made me happy, and I smiled lightly, only focusing on her gorgeous (E/C) eyes. As soon as she looked into my 'eyes', Edd burst from the stairs.

  "Tord told me you needed to settle an argument?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

  This is it. I watched as Edd listened to Tom and Tord's bickering, and surveyed his options carefully.

  "What are your interests, (Y/N)?" Edd asked. I blinked, and explained what I liked. Edd smiled, and looked over at...


Tord's POV:

  ...me!? Edd looked at me and smiled.

  "Tord, I think you should be with (Y/N)," I watched in shock and amazement as (Y/N) smiled at me. I watched in triumph as Tom glared at me, and started to cry. Tom looked over at (Y/N), but smiled lightly.

  "I h-hope Tord m-m-makes you h-happy," Tom stuttered tearfully. I actually started to feel bad as Edd walked over and hugged Tom.

  "I'm sorry.... I just feel she'd be happier with him," Edd whispered. Tom sobbed quietly, and crawled up to his room.



Tom's POV:

...me!? Edd was staring at me, grinning widely.

  "Tom, I think you can make (Y/N) happy," he purred. My jaw dropped as (Y/N) smiled at me. Though, behind her, I could see Tord glaring at me, his eyes glinting with.... tears? I never saw the commie cry. This was new, so I guess he really liked her. Pfft, deal with it, commie. I watched as Tord dragged himself helplessly over to Edd. Edd pouted at him, resembling an upset cat.

  "I'm sorry. I just thought that-" he began, until Tord cut him off.

  "You never think, Edd!" he cried at Edd, his thick Norwegian accent wavering with grief. "You only chose Tom 'cause he is your best friend. You barely looked at me, didn't you..?" he whined. Edd stared at him.

  "Of course I thought of you and (Y/N) being together. It's just... she wouldn't seem happy," Tord snarled at Edd, but his look of loss was dominant on his face.

  "Fine... only for (Y/N) sake," he glared at me. "Make her happy for me, Jehovah,"


(Y/N)'s POV:

  ...me! What did that mean? He smiled and chuckled lightly.

  "I think (Y/N) should decide, still," he chirped. Tord and Tom groaned, and continued to glare at each other. Though, I smiled and held both their hands. Tord's face matched his hoodie, and Tom's face lit up like a burning Christmas tree. I giggled and smiled.

  "Then I choose both of them," I purred. Both men, looked up at each other, and smiled.

  "Make her happy, commie," Tom chuckled.

  "I will. Make her laugh as much as you make me laugh, Jehovah," Tord sneered. Tom smiled.

  "Except this time, she we be laughing with me, not at me," Tom remarked.

  "Sure," Tord snorted. I smiled as I watched them both. My only question was; what if one of them -or both - wanted to propose? That'll be fun.

(If you want to see that, comment "Marrage Massacre".)

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