Nights (Matt X Artist! Reader)

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(F/D) = Favorite Drink

(A/N: This is for you, SamoSAMMa. You are one of my closest friends in the world, and I treasure you more than a million dollars. So, in your honor, I wrote this just for you.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I was sitting on the footstep of a small house in London that belonged to my three best friends; Edd, Tom, and Matt. I had a (can/bottle/cup) of (F/D), and I was drawing. It was a beautiful night, and the stars shone bright.

 It was a beautiful night, and the stars shone bright

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  I listened as the door opened and closed. I turned to see Matt leave the house and sit next to me. I turned back to the sky, and I heard Matt sigh.

  "It's so beautiful out here, huh?" he asked. I nodded, and blushed slightly, but I continued to draw. I've liked Matt for a couple years, now. I never told him, because I didn't want him to reject me. Plus, he has a full time relationship with himself. I got up, put down my sketch book, and walked out to the street.

  "Do you think anyone is driving tonight?" I questioned awkwardly.

  "Of course. There places in the world where right now, it's already noon," Matt assured me. I stared at the sky, until Matt got up and stood next to me. "You probably shouldn't stand in the street," he warned. I nod, and step away. We sit back on the footstep, and I drink my (F/D). I pretty much abandon my art. Matt turned, and looked at the (can/bottle/cup). I notice, and look at him.

  "You want some?" I ask. Matt smiled, and nodded. I handed him my drink, yet he shakes his head. He leans in and kisses me. I blush furiously, and then he pulls away. He smiles awkwardly, his face turning bright red.

  "Thanks," he mutters. I then notice he took some of my (F/D) when he kissed me. I turn from him, and touch my lips. I hear Matt chuckle, and then the door opens again.

  "What's going on here?" Tom asks as he sits with us. He had a bottle of Smirnoff in his hand, and he was grinning like an idiot. He was drunk. I leaned over, and held Matt's hand. I felt Matt tense with shock, but grab my hand, too.

  "I think (Y/N) likes me, too," Matt told Tom. That's when my mind went into an overload. 'Too'? I asked myself repeatedly. I turned, and saw Matt grinning. I smiled, too, and leaned against his shoulder.

  "Yeah, I do," I answer. Tom lies on his back, and stargazes.

  "Good for you,"

Extra Ending:

Tom's POV

  (Y/N) fell asleep against Matt, who in turn fell asleep with his chin resting on her head. I turned to the door as Edd came out.

  "Did they admit it to each other?" Edd asked. I nod, and Edd sips from the Cola can in his hand.

  "I thought neither of them ever would," I admit. Edd smiles, and nudges my shoulder.

  "Tom, look," he whispered. He pointed subtly to a figure peering over Eduardo's fence. It was Amelia, the girl that lived with Eduardo, Jon, and Mark. She wore her thick black glasses, and a dark gray shirt with a wolf wearing headphones. She hid once she saw we noticed, making a little squeak noise.

  "I still can't believe that she thinks we don't know she likes you," I chuckle quietly as I sip from my Smirnoff. Edd rolls his eyes playfully.

  "Well, it's better than her hating me, like Eduardo," Edd sighs. I nod and turn to where Amelia was. After minutes of silence - and us realizing Amelia snuck inside - I broke the quiet.

  "You do realize she likes Eduardo, too?"

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