Story of my Heart (Tord X Author! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe Art by Moho-Milk-Down-and-Paper-Town)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I get it, I'm not Shakespeare​. But I'm not terrible! I was angry about the reviews about my most recent book. Out of 100 sold copies, only 2 readers enjoyed it. One of the readers was my Mom, and I love her, but seriously!? The other reader was one of my favorite people in the world - and I never even knew who they are!

  They always bought my books, and they always enjoyed them. I take it that they just have the same tastes as me. But, I decided to find out who this anonymous reader was. They had to be someone I knew. If they weren't, then why would they like my stories?

  I did some research, and found that the purchase of my book on Amazon with a good review was shipped to.... wait, WHAT!? London, England? Welp, pack my tourist bag, I'm going to London. I purchased a plane ticket before logging off my computer. I sat back in my chair and sighed. An author's work is never done.

(In London)

  I was in my car, driving down a street that was fully inhabited, but was pretty rural. A cliff peaked from the front of the houses, and caused early night as late morning for those in its path. I parked my car outside the house that belonged to the address I found. I walked up to the door, and knocked. Seconds later, a man in a green hoodie greeted me.

  "Hello! What do you need?" he asked kindly. I smiled and shook his outstretched hand. He seemed kind and sweet. He probably read my book.

  "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and I came here because I am looking for the reader of my book," I responded. I expected him to claim himself as the reader. But, it wasn't that simple. He smiled apologetically. It made my heart sank.

  "Sorry, not me. But, what about the others?" he asked. His thumb jabbed at two men inside. A ginger was looking in a mirror, not paying attention to the real world. Another man, with black eyes, was watching TV with some alcohol. I looked up.

  "There is more living with you?"

  "Yeah, three, actually. There is Matt," he pointed to the ginger, "Tom," he pointed to the black-eyed alcoholic, "and Tord. He's upstairs, and he bought a book not too long ago." I smiled and nodded. He let me in as I wandered to the staircase.

  "Mr. Tord?" I called up the stairs. The other two didn't even look at me. They are used to this by now, I'm guessing. I heard footsteps down the stairs, and that caught my attention. I saw a very attractive man walking downstairs. I blushed lightly. He was gorgeous.

  He sighed and looked up at the green hooded man. His silver eyes were piercing like bullets, but soft. His skin was scarred, but softly tanned. He was wearing a red hoodie, and it perfectly brought out his caramel colored hair. But, I digress, he looked over at the man in the green hoodie.

  "Edd, who is this?" he asked. He bore a thick Norwegian accent. It made butterflies flutter in my gut. I tried to distract myself by looking over at the man named Edd. He clearly wasn't used to all this attention.

  "Tord, this is (Y/N) (L/N). They say you might have bought their book," he explained. That was when Tord's face lit up. He looked down at me with awe in those amazing eyes. Instantly, I knew that look. He was the reader.

  "Yeah, I bought your book. It was good, too!" he praised. I smiled and blushed harder. Charming, too!? God, his man was perfect! I saw him smiled back, and a chipped tooth revealed itself.

  "Well, I'm glad you liked it. It's not selling very well," I sighed. This made Tord frown. His perfect features seemed to dim as he grew sad. But, he was still handsome.

  "That's too bad. It was one of my favorites. How come no one likes it?"

  "Too violent," I answered. He snickered quietly. I was about to snap at him when he smiled. He looked at me apologetically. He still snickered.

  "Sorry, it's just.... that seems like a stupid reason to dislike a book," he confided. This made me smile.

  "Yeah. I mean, I worked hard on that book," I rolled my eyes. He chuckled at the action.

  "I had to use my phone to look up what some words meant," he smiled. We laughed as the others ignored us. I think I was falling in love with this man. I mean, everything was so perfect about him. So, I was determined to become his friend.

(2 years later)

  I wanted to be his friend. I knew I loved him from that moment, but I wanted to be his friend. How did it end up better than that? How did it come to this? How did it come to the question Tord just asked me with a large blush on his face.

  "(Y/N), will you marry me?"

Eddsworld Oneshots - Lovely Little Demons (Eddsworld X Abnormal! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now