Drinking About You (Drunk! Tom X Ex! Reader)

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(Gender neutral.)

Tom's POV

  Not even my slurred voice could drown out my sobs. Empty smirnoff bottles surround my bowed head and folded arms as I rested my forehead in my own embrace. The only person I ever loved more than alcohol had left me. I knew it wouldn't last; why would an angel stay with a broken promise of a man. They were too good for me, and they realised that before I could be good enough. That's when I hear the door open, and a familiar voice cried.

  "I'm looking for Thomas Thompson?" they called into the sea of drunks. It was almost like my head was on it's own swivel. I turn to see the person that just dumped me - (Y/N) (L/N). Tears fill my deep black eyes. Crying turned to hysterical sobbing.

  "I-I'm... h-here...! I s-still love you...! I'll change e-e-everything and a-anyt-thing to get you b-back..!" I whimpered. They saw my tearful face and flushed pure red. It was precious and adorable. If only I could hold them close and kiss that precious and adorable face.

  "I...," they sigh after lowering their voice, "I know. After the fight, I realised that I threw away something special and important. I truly love you Tom, and I don't want you to change. I just need to get used to you." They giggle and tear up. Their soft hand cups my cheek, and I smile softly. I even purr.

  "Oh, Tommy. If only I knew you cared that much. I would have never considered throwing you away in a calm state. I always thought I was just a trophy to you. How do you feel, Tom?" they ask softly.

  I whine, "I love you so much, I would die for you. No man could love you as much as I will. You will feel like a queen, I promise." Their smile split their face in two. Suddenly, our lips met in a sweet kiss.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Sincere words from the heart. I could always tell he loved me. It was just confusing to understand how much and in what way. Yet, now I know and I deeply regret leaving him. He's right; no man could ever love me the same. Not even his closest friends would treat me like he does.

  I mean, Edd is too motherly - when he isn't tackling them. Matt is so full of himself, he'd feel like he would be cheating on himself. Tord is so perverted, he would want me wear a maid outfit than his hoodie. That is even if they would love me. Only Tom loves me truly, and I will never take it for granted again. That's when I look into Tom's eyes. I swear, I could see the galaxy in the depths of his eyes. It was more beautiful than the boring blue sky.

  "(Y/N), please... tell me you love me back," he sniffs.

  "Oh, Tommy, who wouldn't love you?"

  Tom grins and holds me close. His firm hands gripped the back of my shirt as he sobbed happily into my shoulder. Every time he came up for air, he would kiss my cheek and jaw lovingly. Marveling at how soft his lips were, I hold him close to myself. I never thought I would find Tom's drunk side sweet. He doesn't drink in front of me, so I wouldn't know.

  "Hey, Tom, would you like something to eat?"

  "Yes please. But let me pay. As I said, you are my queen," he whispers. I giggle and smile. We eventually end up getting food from my favorite restaurant and Tom bought me everything I wanted. He truly loves me.

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