You're Mine (Tord X Kidnapped! Reader)

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Requested by TheWorldBoresMe

(Gender neutral. I feel like everyone should get kidnapped.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I was sitting in my living room with all the lights off. The TV was on, but all that was playing was Professor Why. So, I called my friend, Tord, over. I've had a crush on Tord for years now, yet I never told him. I hope he liked me back, but he only treated me like a friend. It killed me inside to think he didn't like me back.

  I was about to call Tord again, when my front door creaked open. I spun around to see a shifty-looking Tord. I raised an eyebrow as he stalked over slowly. He didn't seem.... right. I got up and glided over my living room floor to him.

  "Tord, what's wrong?" I asked in concern. He looked down at me, his big, silver eyes filling with fear. This was starting to scare me. He was never scared or uneasy. Something must be really bothering him. Tord still wouldn't answer me, but he reached into his pocket. I was appalled when he pulled out a handkerchief and held it to my nose.

  I breathed in an unfamiliar scent. I became drowsy and terrified as I finally recognized it. I tried to shove the handkerchief away. Yet, I couldn't. The chloroform was too strong as I passed out. Tord caught me in his arms as he dropped the chloroform-ridden handkerchief.

  "You're mine,"

Tord's POV

  I looked down at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure. I felt bad for doing this to them. But, they are mine. Never again will I be without them. I picked up the chloroform handkerchief and stuffed it back in my pocket as I hoisted (Y/N) into my arms. I walked out to my car and gently put them in the backseat. I rested their head on a red pillow that I already set there, and then placed a (f/c) blanket over their body.

  "Sweet dreams my lovely (Y/N). You will be mine forever. I will never let you go. No one else can have you. I need you too much," I muttered. Hopefully, the angel heard me. Even in their unconscious state, they could possibly hear me.

(Next Morning)

(Y/N)'s POV

  The air was warm and relaxing. It smelled of lavender and heather. I slowly opened my eyes to a large room. Its (f/c) walls were bordered with white trim. The red curtains were pulled back to let in light. The furniture was all oak wood, and the bed's red sheets matched the curtains. The (f/c) pillows coupled with the walls made it feel homey.

  Then, I remembered last night's events. The red curtains and memories of it all snapped me back to reality. Tord Larsson kidnapped me. I was close to crying. Why would he do this? That was when my door opened.

  I jumped, and soon realized I was chained. My hands were chained to each other and my left ankle was chained to a lead ball. I looked up in fear as Tord walked in. He stood in front of me, smirking. He used his hand to lift my face to his.

  "You look good like this, (Y/N)," he swooned. I blushed madly, my breath taken away from me. I looked into his silvery eyes, melting my heart. He cupped my cheek with his hand, and leaned in. His breath against my lips smelled of cigarettes.

  "T-Tord.... let me go..."

  "Never again, my love. I'm sorry, but you are mine. You can't leave. So, I'll try to make your stay pleasant," he purred. I started to shake.

  "I want to go home, Tord," I started to cry. Tord pecked my lips, causing my face to turn crimson. His soft lips felt warm and comforting. He smirked and pulled away.

  "This is your home, now. You better get used to it," he mused threateningly. I shuddered as he rubbed my back. His hands felt cold, and they pressed up against my (f/c) t-shirt. I was getting cold chills. Tord noticed this and chuckled. His dark laughter scared me.

  Tord's voice echoed in my ear as he whispered, "Is someone cold? Let me help."

  A red blanket was wrapped around my shoulders. I huddled into the fabric as Tord sat down and pulled me onto his lap. His body was warm and soft, causing me to sink into him. He chuckled and held me close. He purred in my ear.

  "I'll keep you warm, my love," he purred. I was about to pull away. Yet, I sighed and cuddled closer to Tord. He was surprised as he stiffened. I smiled and purred.

  "I love you, Tord," I sighed. His breath whistled through my hair. It felt good, so I grinned happily. Tord held me closer to his chest. I could feel his heart beat. It was soft and soothing. Gentle and loving, like Tord's hands as he hugged me.

  "I love you, too, my love. That's why I took you away. That's why you're here. That's why you're in my arms. I love you. You're mine," he soothed.

  "And you're mine,"

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