Precious (Tom X Jealous! Neko! Reader)

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(Gender neutral.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  The warm summer afternoon filled Tom's deep blue room with light. His messy bed was soft underneath me. Soft (h/c) fur covered my small cat body. The world seemed to be routing for me. Tom was making breakfast for me in the kitchen. Even as the cat enthusiast he was, I was his only cat - let alone pet.

  That was until Edd ruined it.

  "Edd, she's perfect!" Tom screamed with joy from downstairs. A lurching feeling in my gut drove me insane. I crept downstairs, finding the source. I was horrified, and I felt sick. There, sitting on a light red cushion was a brown and white cat. Her stench covered Tom, making me wince.

  Tears flooded both mine and Tom's eyes

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  Tears flooded both mine and Tom's eyes. His were of joy and glee. The ones that damped the hardwood floor and pattered on her fur were of loss and grief. 'She's perfect,' he said. Was I not perfect....?

(Time Skip)

  Days felt like weeks. The new cat, Snickers, tried to play with me every day. Tom expected me to play with the pest. Instead, I hissed at her, marked everything of Tom's with urine and scratches, and growled everytime anyone besides Tom approached me. Usually, Tom would go out to drink or play video games, leaving me free to turn human, but now, Snickers and my territorial attitude left him stuck at home.

  "(Y/N), I love you, but you're driving me insane," Tom grunts as he takes off his wet sheets. Snickers watched from his desk. Her tail swayed in the sun as she watched him. I growl at her, calling Tom's attention. He seemed to have had enough.

  "I am sick and tired of you being so territorial! Why do you hate Snickers?" Tom yelled at me. The hair on my back raised as my eyes glistened with fear, rage, and sadness. He saw this and sighs, calming himself. Sitting on his newly changed bed, Tom calls for the siren herself. Snickers gladly takes up my spot.

  Revenge would soon ensue.

Tom's POV

  Why was (Y/N) so territorial? Well, they weren't fixed, so maybe that's it. I decide to look at vets that would neuter/spay (Y/N). Snickers was playing with Ringo - whom loved her, unlike (Y/N). Speaking of which, they were contently purring on my lap, like they used to. This made me sigh and look down at my beloved pet.

  "What is wrong? You just fine before we got Snickers. Now that she lives here, you act like you hate everyone but me. It's weird, kitten," I coo. A loud purr answered none of my questions. I swear, this cat loved being called 'kitten'. (Y/N) put their forepaws on my chest and meowed, licking my nose.

  "I love you, too," I giggle. That's when they jump off my lap and trot into the bathroom. In curiosity, I follow. Their hind paw closes the door shut, and I heard it lock. That confused me, and scared me. Knocking on the door loudly, I call for my cat.

  "(Y/N)?" shouting echoes in the hall. Hearing a soft meow and purr brought me relief. I was about to walk away when I heard a voice. It sounded soft and sweet, almost identical to (Y/N)'s mew. The soft sound of fur being brushed reeled me towards the door.

  "God, why can't Tom see I love him? Snickers is only taking him away from me," I hear a soft squeal of anger and sadness. (Y/N) was talking.... my cat was talking. The sound came from my level, meaning they were taller, at least. Good thing Edd taught me how to unlock the bathroom door from the outside.

  "Who are y-" I started, only to cease from finishing. The most attractive person I have ever met stood before me. Their (h/c) hair fell in shining strands aside their face. I wanted to hold them, kiss them. Bright, shining (e/c) eyes bore into mine.

    "I'm (Y/N)," they mutter. Finally, that's when I pieced it together. My sweet cat was in love with me. We both lean in at the same time. The awkward, sweet moment ended in the best way imaginable.

  Me and (Y/N) shared a soft kiss.

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