Sober Part 1 (Future! Tom X Future! Reader)

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(Requested by Sage_of_Fire. Gender neutral.)

Tom's POV

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Tom's POV

The dark sky was turned a surreal neon as the green LEDs from my visor combined with the blue of the night. Stars winked in the distance, dead for thousands of years. The moon seemed to call my name, telling me to end this insanity. I was downing a bottle of smirnoff, getting my mind off of the apocalypse sprawling out beneath the hill. The gentle rise in the earth was my getaway from Red Leader's evil rule. Yet, I laughed to myself. There is no such thing as a getaway anymore.

The sky dusted the ground in darker shades, making the green from my visor stand out like a spotlight. I looked down at the little people. The little people who walked around the corrupted streets of London, thinking everything was dandy. Another sip. The vodka stung the back of my throat. It felt better than the ringing in my aching head, though.

That's all it seemed to do anymore. Ache with an agony that only compares to being shot. Another sip. The citizens of London walked by, men drinking and smoking with a carefree attitude that I used to have. Teenage girls walking out of malls, carrying shopping bags and giggling like high-pitched hyenas or giddy squirrels. Women carried infants in strollers, their crying pitiful and loud.

I watched many people, all trying to avoid the same thought. The knowledge of their inevitable doom. The doom Red Leader had for us all. Me, especially. I tilted my head back, gurgling the Smirnoff in the back of my mouth. Anything to wash out the taste of smoke. The same smoke that clouded the sky so Red Leader could make his weapons of mass destruction and death.

Yet, this was my getaway. As positively silly of a thought that was, this was my getaway. Red Leader did not exist here. Smoke did not exist here. Only me and the empty bottle in my hand.

And maybe the stranger whom was now towering over my head.

I jumped in surprise as someone with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes watched me. Their face showed intrigue, curiously, and thirst for knowledge. None of those were familiar to me. I stumbled up, rubbing my sore throat and buzzing temple. Too bad the strap from the visor got in my way.

"Why are you up here?" they asked.

"To get away from the world,"

"Why would you wanna do that?"

Their genuine question baffled me. I gave them a look of near-disgusted confusion. What was I to say to this stranger? That was when their eyes hardened. They were not so innocent as I thought. They cleared their throat, anticipating an answer. I, luckily, had quickly prepared one under pressure.

"The world is a scary place. But, it just got scarier. If there was any magic in this world, it's gone now," I hissed. That was my answer. When I was young, I believed in magic. I believed in a magic called 'religion', until some sure-of-himself dirt bag ruined it all for me.

"That must be hard. Sorry for disturbing you, mister. But, if the world is really terrible, then why did it give us this beautiful sky?" their voice chimed. It was almost ironic. This world had a beautiful night sky because it was always too dark and filled with smog during the day.


"What about the reassuring taste of that vodka you got there? Or this lovely hill you have all to yourself? Or better yet, grant you with handsome looks? The world is not that cruel," they continued. I blushed several shades of pink and red when they commented on my looks.

"W-what was that? About my looks?" I stuttered. I must have misheard. This person was either delusional, drunk, or stoned. But, then they cracked a small smile. It was one of taunting mischief.

"Your good looks! Oh, don't tell me you don't see it! Your hair looks so soft, I could pet it. Your visor makes your look mysterious and dark. Your suit makes you look intelligent and down-to-Earth. You are attractive," they repeated. My face matched the stains of wine you could often find on my dress shirts.

"How can you truly believe that?"

"Because the world isn't so cruel," they winked. As the soft crunch of their shoes smothered the grass, I was dazed. I was just complimented by a stranger. This was... new. I liked it. It was much better than the aching in my throat.

Tord's POV

I watched in puzzlement and confusion. My streets were being roamed by that Jehovah. Not just him, either. A rather attractive person followed behind, Tom occasionally stopping for them to catch up. Who were they!? They made my worst enemy happy! I turned to Paul in my curiously frenzied state.

"Paul, who is that person following Tom? I never saw them before. They must be someone who is legally residing in London," I growled. Paul looked bravely on into my eyes. His brown ones coaxed calm and stillness into mine of silver.

"That, sir, is (Y/N) (L/N),"

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