Hand of God (Angel! Edd X Angel! Reader)

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(I'm getting used to this... anyway, this is gender neutral. I put my great-grandmother in this story because I felt like it. She died years ago when I was... what? Nine? Also, my birthday is June 7th, when I wrote this.)

Edd's POV

  How are they so perfect, even for an angel? I see them everyday up here in heaven. But, then again, I don't just pass by them like a normal angel. No, this person is always seen helping others, angel or mortal. Their voice is gorgeous, their laugh is heavenly. Now, from how I'm talking, you know who it is. (Y/N) (L/N), the most attractive and fiery angel up here.

  I was walking around the clouds, the glittering sun reflecting off the drops of water that formed the cumulonimbus I stood on. I was hoping to think of something worth my time to do when I heard a small laugh. It rang through my head like church bells. I taught myself to recognize it instantly. (Y/N)...

  I walk over to the laughter, when a hand reaches out and grabs my ankle. I yelp as I get dragged down. Instead of plummeted heel-first towards Earth, I land on another - but smaller - cloud. I turn to spitfire my anger and fear at the prankster, when my eyes laid on (Y/N). They were smiling innocently. The fire of my anger died down, and left only the ash of regret. Regret for wanting to act that way to them.

  "Hi, Edd!" they chirped excitedly. I smiled, a stupid half-lidded expression resting on my face. I must have looked absolutely ridiculous, because (Y/N) waved their hand in front of me. "Heaven to Edd," they repeated. My eyes shot open as I realized my stupidity. Then, I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

  "S-sorry. It's just..." I stuttered. I starred at them, my brown eyes looking deeply into their (e/c) eyes. Emotion fluttered inside me. Love, passion, desire, and respect for this person before was drawing me closer as I stepped closer. My heart made a decision before my head could conclude what I was doing.

  "It's just what?" they asked quietly, until I blurted out.

  "It's just that I'm floored every time I see you. I can't begin to comprehend how someone can be that stunning, even if they're an angel. You're the definition of heaven. It's like you were some how touched by the hand of God. Maybe... maybe you are God," I ricocheted words out of my mouth like bullets. I talked so fast, (Y/N) had most likely not heard me. (Y/N) isn't someone who follows by 'most likely'.

  "E-Edd? You really feel that way?" they asked, amazed at my confession. I nodded slowly, hoping that I could just fly away. But their steady gaze grounded me to where I stood. Then, I felt the silky softness of their wings wrapped around me. Then I realized that (Y/N) was hugging me. Their arms assisted their wings in warping my anxiety into a feeling of safety.

  "I brought you down to this cloud to tell you; I love you. I feel the same way, Edd. How can a man be so kind and sweet, yet brave and bold at the same time? How can someone so handsome be so... perfect," they breathed out.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I couldn't believe it. I had just confessed to Edd about my feelings. It was so amazing because Edd had confessed just seconds before I did. Though, I couldn't hear his stuttering awe because my fictional heart was beating so loud. I've heard the fake, hopeful tinkling of that sound ever since I committed suicide two years prior. I don't remember how I met Edd, all that I know is that he died from a more sinister reason; cancer.

  "Hey, time to break it up, you two," a voice sounded above us. We looked up to see a beautiful woman. She was older, but she regained her stunning looks at death. Poor thing died from cancer as well. She didn't die in her home or in the hospital. She died in a care hospital with her daughter-in-law and granddaughter surrounding her. Though, her last stable words were shared with her youngest great-granddaughter.

  "Sorry," Edd sighed. I smiled up at her, and just flew up onto the cloud. I lowered my hand to help lift Edd up with me. I enjoyed the sun against my face, the only light down there being from the remains of the silky golden pools that cascaded the clouds in an endless supply. Edd and I continued to talk while the woman walked away. Presumably to watch her family. Her oldest great-granddaughter was turning 13 today.

  "Hey, Edd?" I asked.


  "You said you had a demon for a friend, right?" I asked. I remembered the stories Edd told. Though, I only heard them from afar. Edd nodded and he looked down at the cloud. It's like he could look down into hell and pick out his friend in his own mind.

  "Tord Larsson. He was always stubborn, reckless, and sadistic. Though, I never knew he would kill thousands of innocents. But, he did, and was killed by the British army soon after. He went to hell, but, I think he'll like it there," Edd concluded. I smiled lightly.

  "He'll be fine. Wanna talk to God about seeing him?"


(I liked this. If you were wondering, I am Christian, just not very religious. I believe in angels, demons, heaven, hell, God, the Devil, and Jesus. I just think that half of the Bible is outdated.)

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