Dangerous Woman (Tom X Killer! Reader)

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 (F/D) = Favorite Drink                                                                                                                                                          (R/P) = Random Person

(Y/N)'s POV

  The moonlight was soothing, yet fueled my blood lust. My hands were cold, and yet warm from the blood running down my fingers. In front of me laid a man that threatened me one too many times. My phone rang as I dragged his body home, which was luckily not too far away. By the time I was home and the body was 'disposed'(burned) and my clothes were changed, I picked up my phone. I missed the call, yet the message told me to reply once I had the time. I smiled at the adorable icon of Tom Ridgewell that I put on my phone.

  "Oh Tom, if you knew what I did tonight, would you be afraid?" I asked no one in particular as I called him. Tom instantly picked up, and greeted me cheerfully.

  "Hi, (Y/N). I just wanted to ask if you could come over?" he chimed. I smiled and walked to my door, slipping on my shoes.

  "Okay. I'm coming over," I replied before turning my phone off and walking to Tom's house, leaving the murder weapon hid in my drawer and the blood still needed to be addressed.

Tom's POV

  I was scanning the house, making sure not a hair was out of place. Edd walked into the kitchen, were I was looking, and he yawned. He went to the fridge, and grabbed a can of Cola. He opened the can and turned to me, looking exhausted.

  "What are you doing, Tom?" he asked softly. I turned to him, and narrowed my eyes at the can he held.

  "I'm making the sure the house is spotless for (Y/N). Also, I thought I told you no Cola before 8:00 a.m.?" I warned him. Edd rolled his eyes, and sipped from his Cola rebelliously.

  "Yeah, but it is my house, Tom. I decide what I want to do," he said defiantly as he walked back to his room. I walked to the living room and turned on the TV, waiting for (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

  I arrived at Tom's house. I knocked, and footsteps could be heard beyond the door. Tom opened the door, and he smiled.

  "(Y/N)! Come in, what would you like to drink?" he asked, politely. I took off my shoes and sat on the couch.

  "Thanks, Tom. I would like a (F/D), please," I reply, as he heads over to the fridge.

(R/P)'s POV

  I was walking in the park, when I saw a twinkling shine on the grass. I look over, thinking originally it was trash. Yet, I was both amazed and horrified as I saw blood streaming from the bushes. I call the police, and run out of the park. As I ran home, I thought about what could have possibly caused that streak of blood. I slowed down as my energy drained, only to hear police sirens. I saw a police officer walk over to me, and hold out his hand.

  "You called, sir?" he asked firmly. I nodded and point in the direction of the blood.

  "I saw a streak of blood. It came from the bushed down there. I was worried a crime took place," I fumbled over my words.

  "It's alright, sir. We are on it," he assured me, and walked away to talk with his colleges.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Me and Tom were drinking (F/D) and Smirnoff, watching TV, when breaking news came on. "This just in, (R/P) found a streak of blood in Regent's Park tonight. How did you find it, good sir?" the news reporter boomed. Tom looked stricken, yet I was mortified. How was I stupid enough to not clean the blood?

  "I was walking in the park about an hour to half an hour ago, when I saw a shimmer from the grass. I thought it was litter, but, it was actually blood. I called the police, and they are investigating right now," he replied. I mentally face palmed before the news reporter continued.

  "So far, the latest information from a couple minutes ago is that the blood dries out near Park Road, and none is found onward," the news reported confined. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. The police can't find me, I thought in exasperated relief. Tom looks over worriedly at me, avoiding the TV.

  "That's near your place! That's it, you are staying here tonight. I can't let you go home when it is this dangerous," Tom stubbornly decided.

  "What? It's just some blood, Tom, I can live. You know that when I want to, I'm a dangerous woman," I huffed. Tom inched closer to me, so that his 'eyes' met mine. The deep empty voids weren't as empty as I thought, seeing the worry and care for me swelling in the dark abyss.

  "(Y/N), you know perfectly well that I'm not going to let go of this until you are safe. You are staying here," he answered roughly. I roll my eyes and continue to watch TV.

  "Back to 'The Cats'," the TV echoed as three cats showed up on the screen, one looking like Tom, the other looking like Matt, and the last one resembling Edd.

  "(Y/N), look at me," Tom thundered. I look over at him, expecting another lecture. Yet, I was thoroughly surprised when he leaned in and kissed me. I tensed in shock, yet I relaxed and kissed back. Tom separated and stared me down. I could smell the worry by now. "Promise me, you will be careful, and not leave." I nod, and smile.

  "I promise," I vow as I kiss Tom on the cheek, and continue to watch our show.

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