Blood = Ketchup (Red Leader X Innocent! Reader)

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(Requested by TheWorldBoresMe Gender neutral.)

Tord's POV

  The cold, brittle air of cold-blooded triumph hung over my army like a blanket. The swarming bodies of fallen foes bled onto the already sticky grass. Words of celebration and encouragement were shared between Red Army soldiers. Nothing could stop the overwhelming feelings we had. On the bright side, we have finally claimed dominance over this town which held weapons, nuclear, and much more. On the downside, innocents died in the crossfire. Not even children were spared.

  As I turned back to face the billowing smoke of the town, a figure slid between bodies. Confusion etched on their face, it was baffling. This was the very definition of innocence - someone whom didn't understand death. I headed towards the individual, earning skeptical looks from soldiers. I never cared much of what my soldiers thought of me. Only one thought clung to my brain. Who is this person?

  You don't learn, gain, or earn innocence. You are born with it. Everyone is. But, depending on your life experiences, it can either live for decades, or expire young. How did this one person thrive, yet protect their innocence as they have? One of the true great mysteries of this race.

  "Sir, why are these people stained with ketchup?" the person asked when they noticed me. I didn't dare answer. I couldn't be the one to ruin such childish intent. I walked closer as my boots crunched with the stiff grass. They repeated their question. Again, no reply was welcome. They began to ask a third time, but I growled.

  "That is not a question you would desire the answer to," I hissed. They froze, stiff. I got closer and inspected their face. (H/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/t) skin all took effect in their gorgeous looks. I would not lie that they were quite attractive.

  "Then can you answer why so many people were arguing? It isn't nice," they asked. I chuckled and gave them a warmer look. They really didn't understand, did they? I looked them in the eyes. Their glittering, innocent, (e/c) eyes.

  "Not everything or everyone is nice," I responded simply. I felt like a parent trying to make my toddler understand why a kid just called them something mean. They just tilted their head. Their resemblance to an puppy was uncanny. It made me smile genuinely. They reached out for me, and I hesitantly excepted their hug. I blushed lightly at their action.

  "Are you nice?"

  "I don't believe so,"

  "I think you are,"

  "That's a matter of opinion, then,"

  My eyes widened and color flitted over my face as they smiled up at me. They were sincere in their words. This was no act of sparring feelings. They truly thought I was kind. I blew a raspberry into the air. This made them tilt their head again.

  "I'm as kind as an old, toothless coyote," I spat.

  "Would an old, toothless coyote protect me from the answer of my own question?" they pondered. I flushed farther and sighed.

  "Most likely not,"

  "Exactly," they stated matter-of-factually​. I chuckled and smiled. This caused them to smile, and I made a final decision. I was going to protect them. No matter what the cost is, they deserved to live untainted.

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