Adorable (Matt X Cute! Reader) *FLUFF*

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(A/N: Requested up close and personal by SamoSAMMa)

(Y/N)'s POV

  Rain fluttered effortlessly onto the ground, tickling the pavement with it's gentle sweetness. I watched the rain as I walked to Edd, Tom, and Matt. My heart fluttered at the thought of him.


  He was kind, generous, understanding, yet not too bright. I've had a crush on Matt every since we met a couple years back, yet I was afraid I could never be with him for one reason; he was too innocent. We are in our twenties, so, of course we've seen our fair share of crap. Yet, there was Matt, sitting in his cluttered room, filled with stuffed animals, eating ice cream for breakfast. I silently chuckled to myself as I remembered when Matt once offered me ice cream at 7:00 in the morning, and said casually that he ate it around that time. I finally arrived at the doorstep of the three amigos, raised my hand to the door, and knocked.

  The door was answered by the familiar ginger-haired boy, Matt. He smiled and hugged me, lifting me up into the still crying sky. He seemed so happy to see me, and I didn't know why exactly. I decided it was innocent ol' Matt, and hugged Matt.

  "Nice to see ya, (Y/N)!" Matt yelped. I giggled, and we ended our hug. I smiled warmly, and Matt kindly returned the gesture.

  "I'm great," I replied simply. We walk inside, and Matt closes the door behind us. Once I enter the living room, I slump over lazily onto the couch. I contently start to watch TV as Matt comes in and sits with me. Matt leaned against me, and yawned. I chuckled exhaustively at Matt's lazy nature, and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

  "I'm tired," he yawned. I smile, and let him use my lap as a pillow.

  "Why?" I asked curiously. Matt smiled at me and chuckled, looking away awkwardly.

  "I may have accidentally stayed up all night at the Arcade winning toys for my novelty toy collection," he admitted. I shook my head, with this goofy grin on my face.

  "Wow, Matt," I huffed. Yet, I watched as he drifted to sleep.

- 2 Hours Later -

Matt's POV

I woke up to find myself sleeping on (Y/N)'s lap. I blushed lightly, yet cuddled close to her. I thought she was asleep, yet I was sadly mistaken.

  "You're a good cuddler," she yawned softly. My body froze, despite my cheeks feeling like they were on fire. She chuckled, and began to pet my hair. It felt nice. I heard her softly singing, and I liked it. So, I began drifting off to sleep again. Yet, not before I had to go and slip up.

  "I love you," I murmured. Then, I couldn't sleep. I watched in half-asleep horror as (Y/N)'s eyes grew larger at my comment.

  "You l-love me...?" she stammered. I blushed furiously, and tried to sit up. I was too tired to get up, so I just laid there as I surrendered to admitting it. I nod solemnly. I listened for her to get mad at me, or to become awkward, but instead, I felt warm arms drape themselves around me.

  "What is it, (Y/N)?" I asked, when I noticed she was hugging me. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat, and clinging to me desperately.

  "It's just that I love you too, Matt," she giggled. I ended up smirking as a plan hatched in my mind. I lifted my head and kissed (Y/N), leaving her speechless. We broke apart, and I grinned.

  "You're adorable,"

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