Ireland (Tom X Irish! Reader)

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(This is my favorite song, and I'm part Irish. So, why not. Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2.3K READS!)

(g/f/c) = Grandma's favorite color

(g/h/c) = Grandma's hair color

(Y/G/N) = Your Grandma's name

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Tom were going to Ireland to visit my family. It turns out, my grandmother was turning 78, and she invited me. Though, despite wanting to go alone, she wrote especially in my invitation, 'bring a guest'. So, why not bring my best friend and crush? I walked into the living room, dragging my luggage. I carried it in a travel case with (f/c) clovers on it. In the living room, Tom was still packing.

"Tom, our plane leaves in 40 minutes. We need to get there on time," I huffed. Tom looked up at me, and our eyes locked. We stayed like that for what felt like a moment, but it lasted 30 seconds. Tom turned away, and finished packing.

"Alright, let's go," he sighed. He may have sounded tired, but I knew he was exited. He's never been to Ireland, so that was his upside to going with me. Though, I felt like there was something more.

Tom's POV

I stood up, grabbing my travel bag and walking out the door with (Y/N). She kept talking to me about Ireland and how beautiful it was. Though, I couldn't get my mind off how beautiful she was. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair was so soft I wanted to pet it constantly. Her sparkling (e/c) eyes never ceased to amaze me. Her almost-Irish accent was gorgeous, and I loved hearing her talk. Though, I could never bring myself to admit to her.

"Tom, are you listening?" she asked. I snapped out of my thoughts, only to see her waiting for me at the docking gates. I straightened my back, and froze.

"N-no..." I replied quietly. She sighed, but smiled. It warmed my heart.

"Of course you weren't. Anyway, let's get on the plane. It leaves in 10," she said quickly. We scurried onto the plane and awaited take off.

(Time Skip)

We finally landed, and (Y/N) was right. As soon as we left the airport, a gorgeous scene was laid out before us. The blue skies rolled with clouds, and the hills were green with life. A crystal clear lake was spread out in the grass, making it more breath taking.

 A crystal clear lake was spread out in the grass, making it more breath taking

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"I told you it was beautiful! Come on, Tom!" she called. She dragged me away from the scenery and into a small town. She rushed over to a small house decorated with (g/f/c) balloons and streamers. I silently awed at the precise and lovely decor, until (Y/N) dragged me inside. It was a lovely little home, and inside, (Y/N)'s family gathered in the living room. An older woman with (g/h/c) hair was sitting in a chair with a large smile on her face.

"Happy Birthday, (Y/G/N), " I said politely, smiling genuinely. She got up and walked over to me, hugging me in the process.

"Thank you," she breathed happily. She turned to (Y/N), still smiling.

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