Mistakes (Overprotective! Edd X Eduardo's Daughter! Abused! Reader)

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(Requested by lazybrother. Art is by Moho on Tumblr.)

Edd's POV

  I growl as I hear Eduardo's yelling from next door. He didn't deserve the wonderful girl living in his home. Eduardo was twice my age at 46 years old. Eduardo was very irresponsible, as shown by his daughter, (Y/N). In one of his failed relationships, he had a daughter, who was only a few years younger than me. She was smart and beautiful, as well as the sweetest girl I ever met.

  But at 20 years old, she was abused. And so badly, that Edd was surprised child care services didn't arrest Eduardo. She woke up every morning with new bruises and cuts. Edd has never seen a day without her crying and pleading with Eduardo for her safety. It made Edd crazy with anger. Eduardo wasn't going to stay in possession of her. Not on Edd's watch.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I cried in my room while Dad was passed out on the couch. He got drunk, gambled with Uncle Jon, and lost. He vented his anger out on me, like always. He hit me with his empty whiskey bottle until blood stained my fresh gauze and bandaids. Uncle Mark helped me clean up. He sighed and told me that one day, Dad was going to pay. But what would I do without him?

  I didn't have a job, and Dad always discouraged me from going to college. Every time me, Uncle Jon, or Uncle Mark ask, he waves us off. Or worse, hits us and yells. He claims it would waste him saved money for my future. I guess my future is only worth the constant whiskey and snack foods Dad buys with the money. I cried in my room as I held myself.

  My room was an old closet with a small window, a light, and a sleeping bag. My only possessions were the clothes on my back and the stuffed animal Uncle Jon got me at my birth. It was unfortunate, though, that I was born after my Dad's relationship with my Mom failed. He blamed me for my mother leaving him. Yet, it wasn't my fault - it was all his cheating and gambling. The only birthday gifts my Dad gets me are drunken beatings and cigarette burns. My Dad doesn't even smoke, he just burns cigarettes and cigars and presses them against my skin.

  That's when I hear my Dad wake up. He grumbles to himself angrily. I whimper and hide away in the corner. There was no use to it, though.  I saw my small door creak open, to find Dad scowling at me.

  "Stop crying, ya little twerp. I was trying to sleep off my drunk. How about I beat you until you sleep it off for me," he hisses. I start crying again as he picks up his bottle. It had shattered from when it struck me earlier. He chuckles darkly as he advances.

  "I wonder why you live. You're just like your mother. 'Stop drinking', 'Stop gambling'. Yeah, when Hell freezes over," he vents as he hits my head with the broken glass. I shriek in pain as blood trickles down my face. That's when a miracle happened. I heard sirens and yelling.

  Not angry, drunken yelling. People crowded my tiny room. Police hauled my Dad away from me and paramedics reached me. They gasp at my wounds and carry me away. Nothing was better than seeing what I saw. Dad being dragged into a cop car.

  A soft, calm voice chimes behind me. It was sweet like honey and soft like silk. It was instantly my new favorite sound. I turn to see he source. A tall, handsome man, smiling at me.

  "You're safe now. I'll take care of you," he said.

 I'll take care of you," he said

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Edd's POV

  I sigh in relief as I watch her sleeping on the couch. She was covered in bandages, yet her wounds were healing well. She was an amazing guest. She cleaned up after herself and always apologises for her mistakes. Yet, I tell her not to apologise. She doesn't deserve to suffer anymore.

  I watch her stir and I smile. I lay a gentle hand on her head and brush the hair out of her face. She was truly one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. I smile at her (h/c) hair falling over her (e/c) eyes as she slept. I wanted to hold her close and protect her from anything and everything.

  As she woke up, she groans in exhaustion. She reaches out for the television remote. I immediately snatch it away. She looks up at me in confusion. I chuckle and smile.

  "Not until you're fully awake. It'll hurt your eyes," I purr. She grunts and sits up. She messes her hair up and yawns. Her eyes open, only to dart towards me and blush profusely.

  "I never knew my neighbor was so...."

  "Fat?" I sigh. They shake their head quickly.

  "No, no! I meant to say... guapo. Bonito. Handsome," The repeat. It was my turn to blush as I turn away.

  "That can't be. You see more good looking people every day. Especially when you look in the mirror," I chuckle. She hides her face in her hands and silently squeals in embarrassment. I smile and hug her. I pat her back and kiss her head.

  "I'm only a mistake. I was my Dad's mistake," they whine. I was taken aback as I tear up. I hold their face to look up at me. My expression turned fiercely stern.

  "No one is a mistake. Especially not you,"

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