Mine and Only Mine (Tom X Catcalled! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

  "Hey beautiful,"

  "Wanna catch a movie sometime?"

  "Man, that shirt would look better on my-"

  "I said shut up!"

  My yell wasn't loud enough as these creepy, unattractive men looked me over like hungry wolves. I watched as one man even licked his lips. Shivering in fear, I shove the men out of my way so I can walk home to more men. Ironic, huh? The walk home was filled with either catcalling or staring, making life so much harder. Of course, I felt that I had to wear my (f/c) crop top to the store, only to find out they didn't have what I went there to get.

  Rest in peace, Harry Potter.

  I make it home and release my held breath. Opening my (e/c) eyes, I see Tom hovering over me. His black eyes narrowed and his thick eyebrows furrow. Firm, soft hands grip my shoulders as he scans my expression. Tom hates it when I get catcalled, so much in fact, he learned how to tell I was catcalled off looks alone.

  "You were catcalled," he growls. My eyes widen. Tom notices my surprise in his accusation and steps back. I finally notice his outfit. I blush at his 'Stay Safe' shirt and black jean shorts. This summer even penetrated all the homes in England with it's heat.

  "You were catcalled again. I even asked to come with you!" he huffed. He sounded more upset at himself. Tom was such a softie. Blaming himself for my misfortune, he always cries when it gets bad. Once, a man even touched my face, leaving my cheek to smell like cheese for weeks.

  "Tom, it's not a big deal-"

  "Yes it is!" he yelled. Tears welled up in the corners if the big black eyes I grew to love. Tom stormed to his room to cry over my harassment. I felt bad for him. His best friend was being attacked with verbal assaults so much, it pained him.

Tom's POV

  I hit my head against my bedroom wall. Hissing in pain, I flop onto my bed. The only comfort in my cold, desolate room was a photo of (Y/N). Yes, she is my best friend, but I hate seeing this happen to her. I don't know why, but my heart aches when she leaves. Whenever I feel lonely or I'm watching a romance, I want to hold her close to my chest.

  I heard hear her scale the staircase. The rhythm of her footsteps set me at ease. My bedroom door inches open, finishing at a halt soon after. I see her luscious (h/l) (h/c) framing her (e/c) eyes. The (f/c) crop top showed off her lovely (s/c) shoulders.

  "Oh, hi, (Y/N)," I mutter, smiling softly.

  "Tom, don't beat yourself up. I love you too much to let you!" she squealed. My face turned bright red. Love...? Her soft lips pressed onto mine, and my eyes widen. I slowly close them, careful to fill them with love as they shut.

  "I love you so much, Tom," (Y/N) whimpered softly. Her voice was like angels singing. Now she would never be alone. I will walk with her to the store. She will never be catcalled again.

  "I love you, too, (Y/N). Never again will I let you go alone," I whisper. I see her smile as we kiss once more. With the gentle wrap of her arms around my neck and the slithering of my hands onto her waist, we were one. We didn't have to say it out loud. We were dating, and we belonged to one another.

  "You are mine, and only mine, (Y/N),"

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