Fan Fiction (Tord X Hopeless Romantic! Reader) + IMPORTANT UPDATE

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(Y/N)'s POV

  Rain seemed to cut into my face as I walked home. My phone was tolerating the change in weather well, the water ineffective against it as I read my favorite fan fiction. I sighed as I pictured the two characters embracing each other lovingly. I always dreamed of being held like that, especially by a specific man. Tord Lasson, the man that lived with me and Edd, Tom, and Matt. He was quite the spitfire; violent, charismatic, convincing with his words, as well as a huge pervert. As I pictured his tall, muscular stature in my mind, with his caramel hair and silver eyes, music poured from my Pandora/Spotify app through my earbuds.

  A new song pounded against my eardrums like a hypnotic watch being swung in front of my face. Even though I haven't heard the song before, it's like I knew it by heart as I swayed and twirled the whole way home. I even softly sang the lyrics that I picked up. Once I approached the old house, I saw Tom reclined on the couch inside.

  He's probably drunk off his ass, I thought groggily to myself. Always like him to drink like a madman as soon as I get home. We never really did get along. My tastes... differed from his. As I walked in, I locked the door behind me. London wasn't quite the safest place in the UK. Once I entered, a breathy laugh echoed the kitchen. I watched as the devil himself laughed at his phone, sharp canines sparkling against the kitchen lights.

  "What are you laughing at?" I smiled, dropping my heavy rain coat over a chair. Propping up one well-groomed eyebrow to look at me, I sensed his silver gaze piercing my back.

  "Why were you out so late?" He shot back in an uncharacteristically possessive way. I froze and turned to meet his gaze. He looked like a wolf enticing his prey to come closer, his sharp teeth bearing witness as his lips curled into a soft, lopsided smirk.

  "I was out for a walk," I told him, confused by his newly frightening demeanor.

  "Darling, are you sure? You were gone for almost two hours. You weren't with another man, were you, dove?"

  Blushing at the inquisitive tone in his almost seductive accent that caked his words, I shivered. This man was one to negotiate for information. Even in every day circumstances. He set his phone down upon the counter, his scarred hands sliding against the granite counter top. I could easily imagine his muscles and chiseled body underneath his red hoodie.

  "I was talking a walk, Tord... I.. I told you that," I shivered. Was he going to hurt me? I didn't know. His hands slammed beside my hips on the table I had backed into. His face was inches from mine, his breath smelling of cigarette smoke as he breathed onto my lips. Piercing silver blazed into my eyes.

  "You better not be lying," he softly growled. Although there was a partial edge to his words, they were dull altogether. Leaning in to lock his lips in mine, we shared a tender kiss. It was soft and sweet, making the moment seem like one out of my fan fiction. Until I realized.... it was. I had read it on the way home. As Tord pulled away, he looked into my eyes and purrs.

  "Your liked stories are public, remember, dove?"

  Almost immediately, I playfully shoved him away from me, squealing. His breathy laugh returned, and it made my heart flutter. I never knew he was a fan fiction kind of guy.


Hello, my readers. I hope you enjoyed this story, even if you don't particularly like Tord. I just want to inform you I am discontinuing 'Lovely Little Demons'. I am sad to say I am no longer in the Eddsworld fandom. It's been two years since I fell for the show, and I will never forget everything I gained from it. Yet, I have to say goodbye. If I continue to write fan fiction on Wattpad, it will instead be for My Hero Academia. If you would like to read what I have already, I have a Tumblr, and I will not be leaving it. Tumblr can't kill me that easily.

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