Violins (Matt X Musician! Reader) *FLUFF*

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(A/N: One of my best friends and my sister play the violin, so, ya.)

(Y/N)'s POV

The bow strung peacefully over the strings. I hummed quietly as the music flooded my ears. The quiet only this neighborhood could give in London was turned to sweet music as my violin sung into the quiet night. I was afraid of one of my neighbors yelling at me for the noise. by the peacefully hum was never complained of. Finally, I checked the clock after who knows how long of practice.

8:48 p.m.!?

I packed away my instrument and got ready for bed. That's when I heard my phone buzz. I sighed, and ranted mentally on how bothersome whoever it was was being right now. I checked and it was my neighbor, and friend, Matt.

Matt - I heard your music. It was pretty! Why did you stop?

(Y/N) - I'm getting ready for bed, Matt.

Matt - Oh. Well, goodnight, then!

I chuckled at Matt's response and went back to bed. Maybe I'll go over there tomorrow and play for him....

- The Next Morning -

Amelia's POV

6:04 a.m. in the morning. That's how early (Y/N) woke up to practice her violin. Sure, it sounded great, and reminded me of my friends and family, but it annoyed Eduardo. When he's annoyed he complains. He never told (Y/N), though, because I threatened him about if he did. In all honesty, he does like it, he just thinks it's too early in the morning for it.

(Y/N)'s POV

I went over to Matt's house at around 12:30. I appeared at his doorstep with my violin in hand, and knocked. Edd answered, and smiled warmly at me.

"Hi, (Y/N). I liked your music this morning," he complimented. I grinned, only to hear Tom grumble, drunkenly.

"Yeah, easy for you to say, Mr. Cola Owl," he hiccuped. Edd growled towards Tom, yet let me in regardless.

"Matt is in his room," Edd hollered as I neared the steps. I nodded absently as I trotted upstairs, only to hear the Matt singing softly. He was singing the song I was playing last night! I leaned in, and smiled. This will be a great way to day that I'm here. I thought blindly. I got out my violin and began playing to the tune.

When me and Matt finished our little 'duet', I heard Matt open the door. I looked up and saw him fulled dressed, a huge, childish grin on his face.

"Hi, (Y/N)! That was a very creative way of introducing your arrival," he chirped. I giggled at his sophisticated language, but the laughter subsided once I saw his blush.

"What's up, Matt?" I asked kindly, stepped towards him. He blushed more, and stepped back.

"O-oh, I, uh........," Matt started, but didn't care to finish. I smirked, and hugged him.

"You have a funny way of telling me you love me," I joked, teasing him lightly. Then, I felt his skin burning up and watched as he turned into a tomato. Matt started shaking, which he only did when he was anxious and embarrassed.

"I-I.....!" he stammered. Now it was my turn to blush.

"O-oh... I was j-joking, Ma-"

"How did you know I wanted to confess?" he asked lightly, ignoring my statement. I smiled, and just hugged Matt tighter.

"I didn't. I was originally joking, but I'm happy - scratch that, MORE than happy - that you do actually like me," I answered. Matt stopped shaking, and hugged me back. We stood there, enjoying each others embrace, until Edd yelled up the stairs.

"Get back to playing your violin! The silence is killing me!" Me and Matt broke apart, and laughed. This was the first time Edd was ever selfish about something, so I obliged, and played the song again. I heard Matt humming, Edd shuffling around downstairs, and Tom mumbling along with me drunkenly.

- Later That Day -

It was around 8 o'clock, so Matt offered to walk me home. Once we stepped out into the cold, late winter cold, Matt smiled and stared into my (E/C) eyes. His calm, peaceful blue/green eyes melted my heart as his smile warmed every inch of my body. I felt the blush forming on my face, so I took his hand subtly.

"What are you looking at?" I asked politely. Matt hugged me, and kissed my cheek. I blushed a rainbow of reds, and he let go.

"I was looking at your eyes. They're such a pretty shade of (E/C)," he cooed. I looked away, trying to calm my blushing face, only for Matt to chuckle.

"Can I go home now?" I asked impatiently. I stared at Matt, hoping for him to reply to my stubbornness, and he nodded.

"Okay. Let's go home," he sighed lovingly. He took my hand and we walked home.

(A/N: This cute enough for you? I hope so, 'cause I literally took no time in making this. I can easily make another one later today. Except, this time, not 100% Matt Fangirl Heaven....





I'm looking at you, SamoSAMMa)

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