Crumbling at Our Feet (Red Leader X Scared! Reader)

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Tord's POV

The sky cried. The pitiful tears of the mourning clouds fell into the streets, making roads slick. Alarms went off in a sickly, molten mess as their hosts burned to piles of metal and plastic. Children cried for their parents as the corpses rotted under burning buildings. I always hated these scenes. The world was crumbling at our feet. Yet, not a single scene in the world was more familiar than this one.

Well, except for maybe the home that I lived in with Edd, Matt, and Jehovah. I might have missed them. Yet, I didn't think too hard on the sad sound of Edd's cries into the fading day when I blew up the house. Or the pain searing through my body as blood dripped to the grassy hill plains. Or the smoke that billowed from my giant robot and Paul's car exhaust alike. I didn't think too hard because a different sound shut off my focus to that sad day. It shut me off the to gravel landsliding into the sidewalk.

I looked up to see a citizen who survived. My first thought was to kill them. I ordered my soldiers to kill every last citizen who lived in the wretched town that didn't have a chance. Yet, here I saw what I thought I would never see. Before I was friends with Edd, I was in love with my best friend. They were attractive, smart, and kind. I thought they died the day I found out their house burned to the ground.

Yet, there they were, standing among rubble. Tears and blood stained their (f/c) hoodie and blue jeans. Their (h/l), (h/c) hair was in tangles and slightly singed. They stared at me in confusion as I turned to them, wading through the mess of concrete and metal. I stood inches away from them, and I wiped their tears away. They flinched as my gloved hand touched their soft skin.

"Why..?" they muttered. I was shocked by the hate and fear in their voice.

"Why did you do this!? You changed, Tord! You are no longer the man I fell in love with years ago. You are a monster!" they yelled. I shrunk away from them. Their tears ran down their cheeks.

"I.... I-"

"Why did you leave me!? All the way in Norway? I thought you loved me back!"

"I did! I still do!" I yelled back. It was their turn to be startled into silence. A long echo of quiet stretched between us. I didn't dare speak, in fear they'd turn me away. They didn't want to confront me. Not after the many years we have struggled without each other.

"Why did you leave me behind..?" they whimpered.

"You never told me you survived the fire. I thought you died in that building. Why did I have to find out the love of my life didn't die in the face of ruin?" I growl. It wasn't helping that tears stained my cheeks. The soldiers would be worried. The Red Leader never cries.

"I'm not the love of your life, I can't be...." they whine.

I look up at them. "But you are, (Y/N)," I mutter, unused to that name, "I love you, (Y/N) (L/N)."

Silence stretched into it's own entity. One moment, (Y/N)'s sullen face was glaring at me. The next, her warm, comforting body was close to mine as they hug me. Darkness seemed to fade from the scenery into the bright day. Or maybe that was just the fire. Yeah, it was just the fire.

I hug them tightly, never wanting to let go. They pull away from my weary arms and kiss my faded lips. For the first time in years, I felt a warm spark in my heart. I felt alive and happy. I kissed back, hoping to get more. And oh, sweet Communism did I get more. Let's just say, the Red Army went home with a new queen.

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