Limabean (Eduardo X Silly! Reader)

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(This is what happens when Eduardo calls you an idiot.)

  (Y/N)'s POV

  I've been living with Eduardo's gang for about a year now. They also lived with a girl named Amelia, but, she seemed to be having problems with everyone except Jon. Though, he was like a brother to her. Anyways, she was alright. It was Eduardo that I had more than neutral feelings for; I loved him. Sure, I would stick up for Jon when he was threatened, but that's basic common sense. Though, I was unsure of how Eduardo thought of me. I mean, he treats me well, but he doesn't go out of his way to do stuff for me.

  It's not what I want, of course, but he doesn't. What he does do, though, is take care of me when I'm sick, or not feeling well. When I had the cold last winter, he stayed home to watch over me. Though, he watched TV most of the time. I didn't mind, since he allowed me to sit next to him. It was nice, having him so close to me. Though, if I got to close, he would politely tell me he didn't want it to spread, and I understood - no matter how much it hurt.

Eduardo's POV

  Why was (Y/N) making it so hard to avoid her!? I mean, I don't want to ignore her completely. Okay, let me explain. I have a huge crush on (Y/N), but I don't want her to know that. But, her being around me so much isn't helping. It's also giving my stupid imagination 'ideas', such as that she likes me back. But, then again, I am supposed to be Numero Uno. Aren't I...?

  So, that morning I was walking downstairs to get my Diet Cola. I passed (Y/N) who was on the couch, watching the news. Mark beat me to the kitchen, and was making pancakes. Jon was sitting at the table, smacking his lips impatiently at the smell of his breakfast. I didn't really care where that idiot Amelia went, but, I did know she was hiding out in her room, writing on Wattpad. She's been on it way too much, lately, I snapped at her mentally. Though, before I could say it out loud, (Y/N) walked in. She walked over and hugged me.

  "'Morning, Limabean!" she giggled. On one hand, I adored it and I wanted to hug her back. Yet, the other consisted of me being confused and uncomfortable.

  "Limabean? What are you talking about?" Mark voiced my thoughts aloud. (Y/N) smiled, and sat down at the table.

  "Eduardo likes the color green, right? Limeabeans are green. So, that's my nickname for him," she explained. I heard Amelia call from upstairs.

  "I grew a limabean in 2nd grade," she remembered fondly.

  "We didn't ask, ya idiot!" I called. I heard her grumble, until she growled a response.

  "Takes one to know one, ignoramus," she snarled. I lifted an eyebrow, until (Y/N) whispered in my ear.

  "That means stupid," she muttered thoughtfully. I grumbled under my breath, until (Y/N) hugged me. I turned to look at her, expecting an explanation. The only one I got was a sudden kiss. Though, that was all I needed. I kissed her back, not knowing what I was doing. We pulled away, with everyone staring.

(Y/N)'s POV

  He... he just... kissed me back..!? My cheeks was red, and my hands were instantly covering my face. I didn't think he liked me back, but that was thrown out the window. Know I was sure he liked me back. How else would he have kissed me? But, our day continued as normal, until, eventually, Amelia came downstairs, snickering.

  "Jon told me everything. I wrote a Wattpad story about it," she sneered at Eduardo. Eduardo glared at her, but didn't move. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

  "Don't mind her, Limabean," I mumbled. He looked down at me, and looked away, flustered.

  "Alright," he sighed. Jon tilted his head like a confused puppy.

  "So, are you a couple, now?" he asked innocently. I smiled at him and nodded.

  "I guess we are," I giggled. I heard Amelia groan and stomp upstairs. Yet, who cared right now. I just wanted to be with Limabean, Mark, and Jon. Now, if only I could block out Amelia playing 'Scared to be Lonely' on full volume.

(I wanted to not include myself, but how can I not when in the 'X Readers' I live with them!?)

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