Are You Down? (Tord X Killer! Reader)

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(Gender neutral.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I smiled at my work. How can I not? The blood felt warm and soft on my hands, and the corpses made me feel at peace. Who were these people? The people who wronged me. I chuckled lightly as the knife in my hand fell to the ground. I wanted to laugh at them.

  Their mangled bodies reminded me that karma always takes its course. Wait... karma. I started to tear up as I remembered what that meant, and the most likely punishment for me. I killed many, so I'm going to pay. How I was going to pay was crystal clear in my mind. Tord, I thought, Karma is going to take Tord from me.

  The horrible thought was so clear in my mind that I snarled in rage with myself and the stupid universal revenge of karma. I began to clean everything, which was easy. It was in the middle of an abandoned house outside London and it was very dark. It only took me an hour, before a call blasted my phone. I picked it up, glad my hands were cleaned of their bloody layers. Tord was calling me. I sighed happily at the photo of his caller ID, which was us posing for Edd, whom was behind the camera.

  I answered the phone with a click. A thick Norwegian accent, which sounded very concerned, cranked up my nerves. I didn't need to see him to tell what he looked like. His silver eyes were darting back and forth like a deer, and his hair was messier than that of the corpses I disposed. I listened carefully as he began to plead to me. It was both amusing and worrying. Why did he sound this way?

  "(Y-Y/N)..? Where are you right now..?" he asked. I sighed, and grinned.

  "Tord, I'm just right outside London," I soothed. Yet, as soon as the words left me, my heart cracked, and my body tensed. Why are you outside London? I could almost hear him say. Yet, it didn't come.

  "Alright. It's just... four people went missing last night. There was a suspected kidnapping, or worse," he gasped for air nervously.

  "Oh no," I fretted. No, not over the missing victims. Those missing persons were currently murdered, disposed, and fresh in my mind. I was fretting over karma and my guilt of the case.

  "I know, right? Hey, how about you stay over here?" he asked, almost cheerfully. I nodded, but realized he couldn't see me.

  "Alright, I'll come over," I responded. I could hear a jubilant Edd cheer on the other side of the phone. I snickered at it, but I ignored it after Tord hung up. I instantly packed up for Tord's house, and started walking over.

Tord's POV

  Everything had to be perfect for (Y/N). If it wasn't, I'd make it perfect, one way or another. As soon as Tom entered my line vision, I snapped at him.

  "Tom, can you get some (f/drink)!?" I yelled. Tom shrugged, and walked away, leaving me to deal with the rest. Then, the door rang. I groaned, since I still had to put Edd's old cola cans in the recycling bin. Speak of the devil, Edd answered the door. I heard Edd say something, and then that heavenly laugh. It made a twinge of jealousy exposed on my face.

  "Ooh, see what you did Edd? You made Tord jealous~," Tom teased from the other side of the room. He must've saw my expression. I stomped over to the door, and shoved Edd out of the way. Though, that large cola-obsessed teddy bear wasn't going to go down without one good punchline.

  "Alright, then. Since Tord wants me to go, I guess I'll see you next fall," he snorted. (Y/N) howled in that sweet laughter that always made me happy. I unconsciously smiled, not noticing Tom's snicker from the kitchen. That was when Edd got up and led Tom away to play video games. I turned to (Y/N) and held out my hand. I gave her that famous smirk Tom hated but girls loved.

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