My Lord, Tord (King! Tord X Peasant! Reader)

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  Requested by TheWorldBoresMe

  (Gender neutral. I had a hard time finding a song for this. Next time, if you have a request for a Royal! Character X Reader, send a song, too. Here's a reference pic of your king in shining horns.)

Art by Moho-Milk-Down-and-Paper-Town on Tumblr

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Art by Moho-Milk-Down-and-Paper-Town on Tumblr.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Our king is said to be a monster. Cruel, sadistic, psychotic, isolated, and a pervert is all that the townsfolk call him. My mother told me stories about how my father died because our king didn't trust him. He was exiled for accusation of treason. My mother told me how shattered she was when he died, I was all she had left. Just some background knowledge; I break promises. That's what I did when my mother made me promise to never meet our king - King Tord Larsson.

  It was an early July morning. The sun had not yet risen, so the moonlight danced on the fresh dew. My sodden boots slapped against the wet trail as I headed north towards the market. I would buy milk, bread, wool, and meat. All necessary in our small village life. That was when a new-comer came up to the market.

  He had a long cloak billowing around his feet, which were covered by large, black boots. You could barely see the rest of his clothing, and half his face was visible. He had almost glowing, silver eyes and tanned skin. His voice was deeply accented, so clearly of pure Norwegian blood. I heard peasants all around me whispering - especially the young women.

  "It's Him again! He looks just as handsome as ever,"

  "Why do we never see him anywhere else?"

  I was very confused, as my mother usually got the groceries, so I never met this man. He was easily taller than me by a couple inches. I guess he must be very powerful and strong, as even the cloak betrayed him as the breeze revealed scarred, masculine arms. I was about to try and talk to him when he glanced at me. His gray eyes bore into me like a knife. Though, his eyes were extremely kind.

  "Hello, stranger. Have I ever seen you here before?" he asked. I blushed lightly, and my palms began to sweat. His accent was gorgeous. He sounded kind and gentle.

  "N-no, sir," I answered. I hated myself for stammering. Yet, he chuckled sweetly, his accent rimming it with a golden melody. I heard some young women scoff and glare. They wanted him from lust. I wanted to meet him from intriguing curiosity.

  "Scared, aren'tcha? Don't worry, I don't bite," he chuckled. I blushed a little heavier at him. His humor was attractive and hooking. I looked away quickly, afraid he would see my blush. He didn't, thankfully.

  "You seem tense. Can I buy you a drink?" he offered. His kindness and care for strangers deepened my interest in him.

  "Yes, please," I muttered. The man asked for two beers from the bar tender. He was quickly pleased to have two beers presented to him. The bar tender smiled at him and walked off. The stranger handed me a glass.

  "To meeting new people!" he cheered. With a small clink, our glasses met and we drank. It loosened my nerves, but I didn't yet trust him fully. I was about to leave. Then he tapped my shoulder. I turned to see huge, silvery eyes that nearly exposed me.

  "Hey, you never told me your name," he pleaded. I sighed, and the world fizzled out. In my mind, we were alone. We were all that was left of humanity. All that was left of reality. I was tempted to reach out to him. Reach out to the remains of reality.

  "(Y/N)," I answered, dazed. It all faded back as he blinked. He took my hand and bowed. He pulled down his scarf to reveal the other half of his face. I marveled at his soft lips and chipped tooth as he smiled at me. He kissed the back of my hand.

  "A wonderful name. I hope to see you again, (Y/N)," his deep accent rolled off his tongue delicately. He pulled away and walked off, his scarf back over his face. I smiled as my heart fluttered. I was going to meet him again. I was going to make sure of it.

(A week later)

  It was a perfect day. The sun shone beautifully as the clouds were missing from the sky. It would be the day I meet him again. I never found out his name, but I knew his face. I set out into the day's embrace, when a royal carriage set into town. I heard my mother growl from the kitchen as I walked out to the street. That is when it hit me.

  There he was. In the carriage. I saw his face, and every atom in my body shook violently. I had met King Tord. I had fell in love with King Tord. That was when I needed to see him again.

  "King Tord! Your highness!" I cried from the deserted street. The carriage halted as it came to me. A man - easily taller than me by inches, with silver eyes and soft lips, covering a chipped tooth - stepped out before me. It was him.

  "(Y/N)?" he asked timidly as he reached out his hand. I smiled and took it. His face lit like fire as he stared at me. I smiled and laughed. This caused more of a reaction out of him.

  "Why didn't you tell me you were the king?" I asked. His face dropped, and I pitied him. Pity is not exactly something you feel for a handsome king. He raised his head to face me. His eyes were sad and aching.

  "Too many of my subjects hate me. They say I'm-"

  "-a cruel, sadistic, psychotic, isolated, perverted monster," I finished sadly. He nodded and sighed. Even his sigh was enchanting. Is there nothing about this man that is perfect? Apparently not as he chuckled.

  "Though, I am perverted. Only a little. Bad habit," he admitted. We laughed, until my mother stormed out - fuming.

  "(Y/N) (L/N)! How dare you speak to this-... this-..!"

  "Your king, m'lady. You have raised an amazing young citizen, ma'am. I am surprised, though, that you are disgusted of my presence," he spoke. His voice was calm and relaxed. The opposite of my mother's livid flame. She shook in anger, her face going red.

  "After what you did to my husband, I have no king," he hissed. Tord sighed and stared at her.

  "You know just as well as anyone that he was found guilty of treason and two cases of murder. He killed my parents," he explained. My heart quickened. My father...

  "To make me queen! To make his unborn child royalty! To make a better life for his family!" she cried. Tord raised an eyebrow. His expression remained calm. A good leader must always have a level head.

  "At what cost? The death of the king and queen, and possibly the heir prince? What a savage sacrifice," he clicked. This angered my mother farther. She started swinging at Tord, but he was more agile and quick. He watched in annoyance and amusement as she attempted to hit him. She began to cry heavily.

  "He had a low income job, and now I have to work two of them! He deserved it!" she barked. Tord grabbed her hand before she swung again.

  "Then if you will give your blessing that I marry (Y/N), you will be rewarded with a nice home, healthy cattle, and wealth," he promised. Me and my mother were floored.

  "Marry me...?" I breathed.

  "Why, of course. You're brave for stopping my carriage, kind for accepting who I am and not believing rumors, and smart for not blinding me trustingly at the market. I need someone like you by my side - if you'll have me," he spoke softly. He was offering marriage, not forcing it. He was not going to do it without me. I nodded.

  "Yes," I answered bravely. Tord smiled and took my hand, bowing again.

  "Thank you, (Y/N). I hope to see you at the palace tonight at dusk," he mused as he kissed my cheek. He climbed into his carriage and rode off. Only one thought registered:

  I am marrying King Tord.

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