Disarm You (Tord X Peaceful! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

  It was a boring Saturday afternoon. It was almost 3:00 and I still had done nothing but read Wattpad and watch YouTube. So, I decided to do something random. I left my home and walked towards the shooting range downtown. I only went there because they had free wifi, some of the best snacks that came free with rental of a gun, and I could vent on some stress I gained over the week.  So, I got there and walked in, only to see one person there. He was odd looking, to say the least.

  His caramel brown hair was styled to look like horns in the front and it was a bit longer in the back. He wore a red hoodie with black jeans and had a white bandage on his right cheek. I also noticed a cigarette in his teeth. The manager must have noticed this, too, considering he stomped over to the strange man. The man, though, ignored the furious stomping of the manager's feet and continued to shoot at targets.

  "Sir, I understand you're our best costumer, but we have rules, here. You are clearly violating one, as we have a no smoking policy," the manager barked. The man looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

  "What are you going to do about it?" he asked genuinely. The manager must've had anger issues. He gripped the strange man's wrist and started dragging his towards the door - and me. The man he was dragging didn't seem to mind. Though, before I could move out of the manager's way, he shoved me away.

  "Move it, dolly, we got an emergency here," he growled. That made the man snap. He instant drew the gun that remained in his hand and aimed it at the manager's temple. The manager froze, sweat beginning to pour down his forehead. The strange man grinned over his triumphant threat.

  "Don't talk like that to a woman. Especially one as beautiful as this one," he sneered at the manager. I instantly blushed, and stared at the man. The man locked eyes with me and gave me a kindly smile as he put out his cigar. This stranger I just met complemented me as well as stick up for me? I wondered quizzically. 

  "A-alright, sir... just p-put the g-gun down a-and we can s-settle this..." the manager stuttered. The man nodded and pulled the gun away from his head. He stocked it into his pocket, alluding it was his own gun. The manager ran to the front desk, and ducked behind the counter. The man watched him, probably assuring he didn't call the cops. Then, the stranger turned to me.

  "Sorry for the disrespect, ma'am," he apologized. I finally realized his thick Norwegian accent. I lightly blushed from his accent, finding it quite attractive. I held out my hand, smiling.

  "It's no problem. What's your name?" I asked. He smiled, and shook my outstretched hand.

  "Tord. Tord Larsson," he replied. He even bowed and kissed the back of my hand. My blush darkened faintly. Tord saw the look on my face, and chuckled. I giggled lightly and helped Tord up.

  "Gentleman. I like it," I laughed. Tord smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  "Would you like a snack? I'll get it on me," he offered. I nodded and followed him inside. Then, I quickly remembered the scene that occurred due to the quaking of the manager.

  "I don't think that was very appropriate, though," I muttered. Tord faced me, confused.

  "What? The hand-kissing thing? I'm sorry," he sighed.

  "No, not that. I found that sweet. What I mean is the manager. I don't think that was quite... mature," I mumbled. Tord chuckled lightly, and looked away.

  "I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I hated to see him be so rude to you over my dumb mistake," Tord seethed. I rested my hand on his shoulder, making him freeze. He turned to face me, his silvery eyes glittering.

  "It's alright. I found that pretty sweet, too. Hey, can I borrow your phone for a second?" I asked. Tord raised an eyebrow at me questionably.

  "Uhh... sure?" he responded. He handed me his phone, and I opened up his messages. I instantly entered my number into his contacts.

  "There! Call me whenever your bored or lonely. Then, we can talk," I answered him. He looked down at his phone, noticing the new number. He blushed deeply.

  "Y-your number?" he asked. I elbowed him lightly.

  "What other number could I be talking about?" I giggled. Tord looked back up at me, smiling.

  "I think I like you. Hey, you never told me your name," he confronted. I stared wide-eyed at him in realization.

  "Oh, right! Sorry. My name is (Y/N)," I chirped. He smiled and gave me a quick side hug.

  "Well then, Miss (Y/N). Looks like I'll be calling you as soon as I get home," he smirked. I chuckled and looked up into his eyes.

  "Same. Well, bye," I bid farewell as I exited the building. We both waved goodbye as he watched me leave.

Tord's POV

  God, (Y/N) was gorgeous. Not only that, but I think we might have a lot in common. I hope that we grow to be friends. Who knows, maybe we might even start dating? I don't know. All that I know is, I might stay disarmed around her.

  You know, not to scare her. Also, to appeal to (Y/N) as a man that respects her wishes. She didn't like me threatening the manager, anyways, right? But, besides that, I had to go home. I have no idea when (Y/N) will get home, but I know that I want to call her first.

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