Boyfriend (Jealous! Matt X Dating! Reader)

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(In honor of my weird friend who gets nosebleeds over the ginger boi, Manglebound4life.)

(b/f/n) = Boyfriend's name

Matt's POV

  I would be way better than him. I would be a better boyfriend to (Y/N) than (b/f/n). Though, there they were, cuddling on the couch. (B/f/n)'s hoodie was draped over (Y/N)'s (s/c) arms as he sat there, shirtless, like a reminder that (Y/N) didn't belong to me. It hurt immensely. Then, Mr. McStealYoGirl kissed (Y/N)'s forehead and left the room. I found my opportunity to snag her heart for myself.

  "He's lucky," I sighed. Despite how much I hate they guy, he truly was. If he had the most perfect woman under his arm, he was lucky.

  "How is that?" (Y/N) asked curiously. Her voice made me smile as I thought of her gorgeous face.

  "He has the best woman on Earth as his girlfriend," I admitted. I knew (Y/N) was blushing. I was proven correct when I turned to her red face.

  "Matt, that's so sweet," she giggled. I smiled and went to sit next her, before (b/f/n) stopped me, boiling furious.

  "Are you mad!? You selfish ginger, trying to take my girl!?" he yelled. I inched back, startled by his sudden appearance, let alone his outburst.

  "What are you talking about, (b/f/n)?" (Y/N) huffed. She was clearly ticked by (b/f/n)'s anger. Her boyfriend spun to face her, aiming fire at her.

  "What am I talking about!? He doesn't deserve you! I do! You're my girlfriend! You belong to me!" he cried desperately. (Y/N)'s face warped from frustration to fury.

  "Deserve me? Belong to you!? I don't belong to anyone! You know what? Get out! We're through! If you are going to talk to my friend and me that way, forget about it!" she erupted. (B\f/n) stared at her, and got on his knees.

  "Babe, c'mon! I was going to propose to you in a couple weeks! Give me another chance," he begged. This just shoveled coal into (Y/N)'s burning rage.

  "Propose? You mean, you thought I would marry you after only 6 months of dating!? That's ridiculous! I would rather marry Tom right on spot," she groaned, getting angrier at the second. Brokenheartedly, (b/f/n) left the house, sulking. His hoodie was back over his own shoulders.

  "(Y-Y/N)..?" I muttered. She turned to me, her face not reflecting her anger.

  "Yes Matt?"

  "Why did you stick up for me?"

  "Because-..." she started, then paused. Her face grew red and her mouth didn't work.

  "Because...?" I tried to coax her into finishing, when she buried her face into her t-shirt.

  "Because I love you. More than I did (b/f/n). For that, when he yelled at you, I could barely take it anymore," she admitted. I got up and walked over to her. I towered over her, her eyes portraying fear. I smiled, and she cocked her head in confusion.

  "I love you, too," I grinned. I bent down and kissed (Y/N) happily and sweetly on the lips. She was taken aback, but she kissed back gently. Butterflies soared in my stomach, nearly making me nauseous. We pulled away, and she smiled.

  "So, are we dating?" I asked.

  "Yes," she confirmed. I sat next to her on the couch and we shared a sweet, innocent hug. I kissed her cheek and she giggled cutely in my ear. I smiled and chuckled to myself.

  "You're so cute when you giggle," I breathed lovingly. We pulled apart, only for her to kiss me once more. This time, it was more tender and passionate. It's feeling lingered on our lips when we pulled away.

  "You're handsome... always," they smiled.

  "I know," I flipped my hair, earning a barrel of laughter from (Y/N). From that day forward, everyday was a really good day.

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