Monsters Need Love, Too (Monster! Tom X Beautiful! Reader)

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(A/N: Even you don't think so, this story is for everyone. Everyone is beautiful beyond compare.)

Tom's POV

Low growls echoed the small room as I struggled to calm down. Me and Tord just got out of a horrible argument, and he made heated remarks about my monstrous side. He even said the unthinkable. He told me (Y/N) would never love me. That set me off, making my mind go blank. So, I stumbled to my room, the monster inside begging to attack him. I couldn't though, because it would prove Tord right.

I didn't know weather it was what I wanted to hear or if I was correct, but I heard (Y/N)'s voice on the other side of the door.

"Tom? Are you okay?" she muttered. My heart dripped with joy, and the monster began to retreat. I got up and stretched, the sorrow making my joints ache. I got to the door, and opened it slowly. I smiled at (Y/N)'s beautiful face. It always made my day to see her.

"I'm fine now that you're here," I sighed happily. She giggled, and my face went... purple? I was so confused, until (Y/N) gasped. I looked behind me, expecting something terrible to come face to face with me, only to see a purple tail. I groaned, and scratched the back of my neck. "Ouch!" I hissed. I looked at my hands, only to see purple claws. Why was the monster breaking loose?

 Why was the monster breaking loose?

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"A-are you alright..?" (Y/N) stammered. My heart broke, and I could feel horns protruding from my head. I looked up at (Y/N), only to avoid her eye.

"Hold on..." I growled to myself. I slowly closed the door, only to lock it. I started tearing off my hoodie and ASDF shirt. I wondered if I had any wounds that angered the monster. No, that couldn't be it. Tord didn't hit me. That was when a low, unhappy growl pounded in my head.

Why did you take her from me!? the monster snarled. I groaned silently to myself. I thought of the monster sitting in the darkness, yearning for (Y/N). I shook my head and sighed.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned the monster calmly. Though, the monster was still slowly controlling me. I paced the room, listening to the low whimpers of the monster.

Why did you shut the door on her? We both love her. Why don't you just... take her! he pleaded. I snapped at the monster, my face blazing with a flustered purple.

"Humans don't work that way! Plus, who would love me when I have sneaking around in every corner of my mind?" I asked unhappily. It was true. Who would love someone who literally was a monster?

I know (Y/N) would. But that's not the point. Are you wondering why I was trying to get out? it asked. I nodded, humming a reply. I could hear the monster's jaws parting into a grin, with the eerie cracking of his teeth. Because anger and pain aren't the only things that set me off. Affection is another factor~ he growled lowly. My whole face was bright lilac.

"Shut up!" I hissed. The monster just chuckled. He knew that I was trying to hide the fact that he was right.

Alright, calm down. Just tell me; if you could calm down (Y/N) right now, how would you do it? he asked. I wandered in thought for a good 30 seconds, before concluding.

"I would hold her in my arms, kiss her head, and tell her everything is alright. I would make her safe and happy, knowing she was loved," I smiled, imagining the event unfolding. I imagined that gorgeous grin of (Y/N)'s face, and it made me happy.

Then why aren't you doing that, then? he questioned. I growled at him, but sighed in defeat. I put my shirt back on, and opened the door. (Y/N) was still there, sitting against the wall beside my door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. I smirked at her, and let joy overtake my senses - as well as the monster. I sat down beside her, and held her in my arms. I lifted her onto my lap, resting my chin on her head. I could feel heat escaping into her face. I smirked before kissing her gently.

"I will be, as soon as I do this first. It'll all be okay," I muttered. She relaxed, and leaned against my chest.

(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't believe it. Tom was soothing me, his chin on top of my head. I felt so safe and comfortable, yet uneasy and confused at the same time. Right before I could speak, Tom's arms snaked around my waist, holding me close to him. He started to slowly and gradually rock me back and forth, like a child. I felt so... happy.

I smiled, and sighed happily. That was when I felt Tom stiffen. I turned my body to face him, and saw him staring at me wide-eyed. His face was a darker purple than Matt's hoodie. I smirked, and raised an eyebrow.

"What is that look for?" I teased. He kept staring, but his mouth opened, as he if he would speak. But nothing came out except for a small, loving growl.

"You know I have no self control," he muttered. I smirked, and kissed him. He was taken aback, only to kiss back passionately. I grinned against his lips. That was when air beckoned for us again.

"I know," I spoke softly. As soon as I tried to get up, I heard a voice far from Tom's call me back.

"Come back," it whimpered. It sounded needy and impatient. So I sat on his lap again, facing him. As soon as I was comfortable, he kissed me again. It was my turn to become tomato red. When we broke apart, there was a string of saliva connecting us. That was when Tom blinked heavily, and we both were a matching pair of dark blush.

"I-I'm so sorry, I d-didn't mean to..." he stuttered uncontrollably. I smiled and giggled. He stared at me, confused.

"It's alright. No self control, right?" I asked. Tom nodded, ashamed. He then looked back up at me, like a no-eyed puppy.

"And the monster just... wanted to kiss you really bad," he whispered. I nodded slowly and hesitantly.

"Was... that why the monster broke out when I came to your door?" I asked slowly and carefully. Tom nodded, and now I understood. It was wild instincts that made the monster come out. Tom - and the monster - loved me. That was when I smashed my lips onto his, earning a startled reaction. I pulled away, grinning.

"Well, I love you, too. I'll love the monster, as well," I saw Tom tear up, and grin. He returned to normal, not a single sign of the monster.

Tom's POV

I was so glad that she loved me, too, that I couldn't help but yell in my head. I heard the echoing of joy bounce off my head until I nearly went deaf. That was when a small, happy snarl interrupted me.

She loves us! She loves us! Now, she really is ours! he growled jubilantly. I smirked, and closed my eyes, sighing with relief. She is all ours.

(*Shudders from the embarrassment.)

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