Mama (Tord X Brave! Gamer! Reader)

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(A/N: This chapter is based around the 2016 video game, Tattletail. Mama is the main antagonist, trying to kill the player.)

(Y/N)'s POV

  I was playing Tattletail at around 3:00 p.m. with Tord watching. I was on Night 4, trying to escape Mama. Though, she was just too fast, and caught us. While I watched her jumpscare without flinching, Tord jumped and yelped. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

  "That scared you?" I asked, surprised. Tord was shaking, the color drained from his face, and his eyes were glued to the screen, as if afraid that looking away would cause Mama to get him.

  "H-how are y-you n-n-not...!?" he whimpers. I chuckle as he stutters. I had a huge crush on Tord, and he always took pride in being brave in all situations. Well, almost all.

  "The jump scare was long, predictable, and slow compared to other games," I explained. Tord sat on my bed, and stared at his feet, not fearing Mama as much as he did seconds prior.

  "I don't get it. How come when it comes to real life problems, violence, and war, I'm the bravest and first to volunteer. Yet, when it comes to these games, like Tattletail, Five Nights at Freddy's, Crooked Man, and Slender Man, you are always braver than me," he sighs. I smile, and sit by him.

  "It might be because you are used to the war and violence by now, but you don't know how to act in situations similar to Tattletail. I might be more immune to them because I know they're not real, and won't hurt me," I wonder. Tord leaned against me, causing me to blush.

  "How are you so cool?" he muttered. I hug him close to me, and my smile grows.

  "I have the best teacher; you," I answer simply. I felt the heat radiate off him, and I felt him get up.

  "No, seriously, how come you are so brave when I'm not?" he asks. I look down, and play with my thumbs.

  "Maybe.... because I want to impress you," I mumble.

  "What?" Tord asks. He couldn't hear me.

  "I want to impress you," I say, louder. Tord heard me that time. His face matched his hoodie, and his grin penetrated his face. His cold, stone gray eyes warmed to a soft silver.

  "Really?" he asked, leaning in. I blush lightly, and inch back.

  "Y-yeah," I reply. Tord snickers and comes closer.

  "You're the one stuttering, now~," he teased. I playfully shove him, and sit up. I sat, stubbornly ignoring Tord, when he kissed my cheek. I smiled and hugged him.

  "I love you, Tord," I admit. Tord grinned, and began to pet my hair.

  "I love you, too, (Y/N)," Tord purrs. We sat there, hugging each other for so long and so intently, that not even Mama could've stopped us. We parted after about an hour, and Tord yawned. He checked his phone.

  "What time is it?" I asked. Tord smiled like and idiot, and ran his fingers through his soft, light brown hair.

  "It's 5:02 p.m.," he answers. I chuckle and hug him.

  "We've been hugging for just less than an hour!" I laugh. Tord snorts, and chuckles, too. His laugh made my heart melt, and I hugged him closer to me.

  "You know, (Y/N), I think your laugh is adorable," Tord chuckled. I smile, and kiss his cheek, making us both blush.

  "I think the same way about yours," I grin. Tord took his hand, and casually put it on my hand. I blush furiously, and watch him smile at me. He looked so innocent, happy, and...... love struck.

  "I also think you're beautiful, smart, brave, creative, and..... I want you to be my girlfriend," he admits. I grin from ear to ear, and hug Tord.

  "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, silly!" I chuckle. Tord smiles, and buries his face in my (F/C) hoodie.

  "Thank you," he cries of joy, softly.

- Two Hours Later -

Edd's POV

  I hear screaming, laughing, and creepy music and sound effects from upstairs, and I become confused. I walk up the stairs, sighing as I thought of all the things (Y/N) and Tord could be doing right now. I opened (Y/N)'s bedroom door to see them playing a horror game. At the jump scares, (Y/N) would chuckle. Tord, on the other hand, would jump into the air and scream like a toddler. Yet, every time he did, (Y/N) would lean over and kiss him on the cheek, and he would calm down substantially.

  "What's going on?" I asked. (Y/N) giggled, and Tord sighed.

  "We're playing Tattletail, and Mama keeps scaring me!" he whines. I looked at (Y/N) in confusion.

  "Who's Mama?" (Y/N) grinned evilly, and showed me a distorted version of a fictional toy, and it scared me.

  "Who's Mama?" (Y/N) grinned evilly, and showed me a distorted version of a fictional toy, and it scared me

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  "This is Mama," she laughed evilly. I stared at Tord, then walked up and hugged him.

  "You poor, poor soul," I murmur. We all burst out laughing afterwards, until I left. They went back to playing Tattletail, and I went to go ask Matt if I could sleep in his room tonight.

(A/N: The last part was not to encourage EddMatt, but because Edd is scared of Mama.)

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