Beaches (Tom X Brave! Reader)

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(A/N: All art by me, Biscuit19131)

(Y/N)'s POV

  For years, I've wanted to go to the nearby beach and swim. Not because I love to swim, but because the beach is notorious for sharks being at most a kilometer away from shore. I drove my (F/C) 2017 Chevy Camaro to the beach, my (F/C) bikini underneath my (F/C) hoodie(That's a lot of 'favorite colors'!). Once I was there, I set up my umbrella, folding-chair, and towel. I took of my jeans and hoodie, and ran down to the water. As I frolicked in the cooling sand beneath me, I took a moment to enjoy the sunset, which definitely looked like a photo off of Tumblr.

 As I frolicked in the cooling sand beneath me, I took a moment to enjoy the sunset, which definitely looked like a photo off of Tumblr

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  I kept running, however, and finally got to the water. I dived right in, until I heard splashing behind me. I turned to see four men, yet only three played in the water. The other was slowly splashing through the waves, and stood there, watching his friends. I watched him, and blushed slightly. He wore a blue swimsuit, and had spiky, brown hair. He had no eyes, yet he looked charming and mysterious because of it.

  I walked over to him, the water swirling around my legs. He looked at me, and smiled. He was taller than me by a little, but damn he was attractive. I was afraid I was going to stutter, yet I didn't. Though, I did feel my cheeks burning up.

  "Hi, I'm (Y/N)," I introduced myself. He turned completely, and I blushed harder. Well, he works out, my mind whirled mindlessly. He held out his hand, and I shook it.

  "Hi, (Y/N). My name is Tom," he replies. I notice his gaze slip lower than my (E/C) eyes(if you know what I mean) for a moment, but look back up at me. He blushes lightly, and I narrow my eyes. My face was redder than the trunks of his horn-haired friend.

  "What were ya' looking at, Tom?" I ask stubbornly. Tom blushes very hard, and avoids my eye.

  "I-I'm sorry.... It doesn't help my friend, Tord, is a huge pervert," he stutters. I smile at his apology. He's not a liar, he's honest. I like that~, I reply flirtaciously in my head. Yet, I stop myself. Come on, (Y/N), you just met the guy. Sure, he's attractive, and honest, and... oh my lord(Tord), I think I'm falling in love!

  "It's okay. I guess I can be guilty , too," I admit. Tom raises his eyebrow, and my heart flutters.

  "How?" he asks lightly, though I can tell he was getting into it, too. Dang it, us wearing swimsuits!

  "I can tell you work out," I murmur. Tom just grinned, and inched closer, until the current made by his legs rubbed against mine.

  "Are you.... blushing?" he asked, playfully. I nod slowly, and I watch his grin grow in size, and he pecks my lips. I blush harder as he pulls away, revealing the pink on his face.

  "Wh-what was th-that for-r..?" I stutter. Tom chuckled lightly and backs away.

  "You're cute when you're flustered~," he admits. I hide my face by turning, and lifting my hand. Tom steps as close as before, and takes hold of my wrist.

  "P-please let g-go of my wrist..,"

  "No~," I close my eyes as I feel him pull my hand down, and use his other hand to pull my face close to his. I open my eyes and stare for what seemed like eternity into his black eyes. I blush furiously, and Tom chuckles, his lips parting in a grin. He lets go of my wrist and grabs my waist instead. My eyes widen, and Tom's face grows red, too.

  "Wh-what are you d-doing, Tom?" I ask, alarmed. Tom just leaned in, until our lips were about a centimeter apart. I felt his breath -which smelled wonderful, by the way - against my lips.

  "I think I'm falling in love," he tells me as he kisses me once more. This time, I kiss back, and savor every second of it.

 This time, I kiss back, and savor every second of it

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(A/N: All art by me, Biscuit19131)

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