[Homestuck] Sollux x Reader

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My First Kiss Went A Little Like This
My First Kiss - 3OH!3 & Ke$ha  

You sat alongside Sollux watching him talk to Gamzee on the internet. You didn't really mind doing this with him. At least he wasn't totally ignoring you and instead coding the shit outta his codes and whatnot. It was nice to be able to spend time with your moirail without feeling neglected. You giggle quietly as you read something funny Gamzee said. Sollux growled and mumbled to himself as he starting typing. He suddenly leaned over to you and pecked your lips. You blush and backed up, your eyes widening.

"S-Sol!" You yelped

He went back to typing as if nothing just happened. Your heart was beating in your ears now and you were extremely flustered. You couldn't help but want more of this contact. You grabbed his hair and turned him to face you, you panted your lips on his. He turned his body in his desk chair and wrapped his arms around you, his fingers in your hair also. You both fell out of your chairs and landed on the floor, Sollux quickly pressed enter on the keyboard and sent the message. He landed on top of you and you both continued kissing. 

~Meanwhile with Gamzee~

Gamzee watched as the message Sollux sent him popped up, along with a picture. He looked at it and laughed, grinning.

Gue22 who2 [f/n]'2 fiir2t kii22Gamzee

Under it was a mid shot of Sollux and you falling to the ground, your lips locked and your fingers in each others hair. Gamzee snickered, writing something clever without even trying.

UsE a CoNdOm SoLbRo

The quick reply he got kinda shocked him.

ii'l thiink about iit

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now