[Hetalia] 2ᴘ!England x Reader |Friend-shot|

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Right Round

Here you were, in your extremely neat kitchen, your [f/c] earrings shining in the light, your mother's old white apron clinging to the front of your form that was fully covered by your dress. You were humming along with your favorite song, as it played on the little radio that you had rested up against the refrigerator. Right now, you were gathering the required ingredients to bake some of your famous, Vanilla Honey Caramel Swirl Neayas. Recently, you'd began baking more and more, to a point where you'd were baking nearly 4-6 times a day, everyday. Yes, you baked many different dishes daily. It was just something you'd been getting the urges to bake or cook and move around, like you couldn't sit still for long amounts of time. This almost got to where it interrupted your most important tasks.In fact, you'd even gotten to a point where you had so many pastrys and sweets in your fridge, that you had been sharing it with the countries and the 2p countries. Being as you were close friends with everyone. That was another thing, they absolutly loved your cooking. Sometimes here and there a country or two would stop by your house to check up and see if you were working on any new dishes. You'd even decided to create a cookbook as you went, baking more and more recipes. But, the absolute worst part of it, was that as a country, it affected your responsibilites in so many ways.

A good example would be this: Whenever you were in, perhaps a World Meeting, you were either fidgiting in your seat, tapping, twitching, rocking back in forth, or side to side. All while an overwhelming need to move around consumed you, until it became to great and so agitating that you lost control of your body, and when you finally regained control, it was only after you were on your feet. However then, all you could do was walk maybe around the table over and over, or pace back and forth.

You set the last ingredient down on the counter before closing the cupboard, taking a minute to scan the ingredients and make sure you had everything that was required. You grinned happily, yup everything was there. You gripped the big cooking bowl and slid it out in front of you, before you picked up the teaspoons and flour, pausing for a moment. 'Oops, I must have forgotten the cookbook! I'm a silly goose.' You thought, giggling out loud at your ridiculous mistake. You set the two items next to the bowl and stepped back, bending over and opening a drawer. The drawer you'd opened was filled with tons of cookbooks, however there was one single cookbook that stood out from the rest. That cookbook in particular was homemade. You smiled, pulling that book out and shutting the drawer. You opened the book, flipping through the pages until you found the correct one. 'Ah, here it is.' You smiled, finding the page. You carefully set the cookbook down on the little lime green rack, making sure the ingredients were shoved off to the sides so you could see the words written on the page.

"Okay let's see.. 3 teaspoons of flour." You picked up the teaspoons and flipped through them, finding the 1. You opened the bag of flour, dipping the cooking utensil in before pulling it back out. There was a little mountain of flour was now present in the teaspoon, which made you tsk. You placed your finger on the item, near where the handle was, and dragged your finger to the edge so it was even. You then procceded to dump the flour in the bowl, repeating the process twice. You continued to do the rest of it, until a knock on your door was heard, and you just so happened to be stirring the ingredients around. Your right eye twitched as you turned towards the opening that went into the living room, you walked into the living room and over to the door, another knock being heard. You opened the door, seeing Oliver Kirkland, or 2p England as he was more commonly known. Your eyes stopped twitching as you smiled. "[y/n]!" Oliver grinned, opening his arms. "Ollie!" You exclaimed. You outstretched your arms as well, engulfing him in a tight embrace.

Oh boy was today gonna be FUN..

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