[Z Nation] 10ᴋ x Reader

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Real Name

Your group walks down the road, since your vehicle had run out of gas. You walk beside 10k with that smile you almost always had on your face.

"Hey 10k?" You ask, tapping him on the shoulder

He looks over at you with a blank face and simply replies with a 'What?'

"What's your real name?" You ask

10k looks over to you with a serious face.

"My name is ten thousand." He replies

Your little sister instincts kick in. No wonder why Murphy thought you were entertaining.

"No like, your real, real name." You correct

"Ten thousand." He states, his teeth grinding against each other

"Is it something embarrassing? Is it something like Ethan? Or maybe William. Oooh! You seem like a Thomas-"

"My name is ten thousand and that's what you'll call me!" He shouts, causing everyone to stop

You stand there staring at him with wide eyes.

"T-Ten K I'm sorry I-"


Something inside you snapped, audibly. Your arm begins to sting as your smile finally fades, revealing the hollow shell you'd been hiding. Your jaw hurt a lot from the lack of tightness. But you payed no mind it. You just felt numb.

"Oh wow nice one F/n, that was truly a great show! Now he's all pissy" Murphy claps sarcastically

You get an inner sinking feeling and end up trailing behind the group. You absent mindedly look around at your surroundings.

Mack glances back at you, seeing that your eyes had changed to a dull color. Addy falls behind the group and walks beside you.

"It's alright F/n he'll get over it." She says softly

She pats your back gently before hurrying to catch back up with Mack. Murphy just grins smugly at you in an almost proud sort of way.

~Time Skip~

The group had fallen asleep around the dying fire, all except you. You watched 10k as he cleaned his sniper rifle. He was the first on watch. You sit up and crawl over to sit next to him. He looks over at you for a moment, before turning back to his gun.

"Listen 10k I-" You begin

"Thomas." He says sternly

"What?" You ask, turning to look at him in surprise and confusion

"My name is Thomas." He repeats

"Why are you-"

"You wanted to know." He shrugs "Just don't mention it to anyone else."

"Thomas.." You repeat

"Huh?" He hums

"I can't believe I guessed it." You continue to whisper

"Just.. Be quiet." He says

"Well.. I like the name Thomas more than Jeff. It just kinda works for you." You explain

"I don't like it. Hurts too much when people say it." 

"What about Tommy? Or T? Or just Tom?"

"T is fine. But not around anyone else." He states

"Alright then T. What'd'ya wanna do now?" You ask

Your set your hand down and lean back on it. His hand suddenly touches yours and you retract.

"Sorry 10K." You apologize

Your eyes meet, and for some reason you can't look away. Despite the fire dying you could still see his face. You didn't even realize that you were leaning in until your lips touched his. You both relax in each other's embrace when you pull away.

"I love you Thomas." You say softly

"I love you too."

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now