[Creepypasta] Ticci Toby x Reader

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* Depressing Themes
* Bullying
* Self Harm
* Grieving
* Dark Ending
How angsty. Note to self, stop bringing back oneshots from your Emo phase.

Anyways, I just want to put it out there that if you ever need anything, especially help with something, tell someone. I personally struggle with depression and some other things so I do know what it's like. People may not care or you may think that they don't, but someone somewhere does. If not now, then one day. Suicide is not the answer even if it may seem like it. If things are rough then tell someone, don't open up to a random stranger on the street or anything but professional help is a good start. I know it's scary to ask for help and you don't know what someone will say, trust me, I know. Don't repress your feelings, use them to cope, learn, and grow as a person. I'm here, like many other people, if you need to ever talk. I promise I'm one of the easiest people to talk to, like ever lol.
~ Oscar

Joel Faivere - If They Knew

"Hey freakshow, the circus is that way!"
My mistake, I didn't realize this was the part of town where animals roamed freely outside of their cages.

"Awww.. Is the dumpster baby gonna cry?"
No, that would give you satisfaction

"You're worthless, no one likes you!"
My parents do. Toby did too. I just know it.


Toby gets up to say something, but you pulled him back down. He turns to you, annoyed and surprised that you were just taking their comments.

"Don't worry about it."

You move some hair out of his face and smile.

"It's really nothing, there's no point in fighting back, they'll continue no matter what."

He sighs softly in response, turning away from you.

"Jus-t this o-once."


"Do us a favor, kill yourself."
No, I'm too strong.

I'm a beautiful freak.

"Hey Fatass get up and do some sit-ups, Jesus Christ!"
I'm a healthy weight, thank you.


"Do-Does any-thing ge-t to y-ou?" He asks

"Not necessarily." You reply "It's all nonsense after all."

He sighs quietly in response to you passive ways. He watches as you get shoved into a locker while he gets tripped.


"Everyone hates you."
Not necessarily everyone.

"You'll never be anything."
Perhaps, you never know. I have time though.

"Just fucking die already."
What's the point of that? To make you feel better about your own personal issues?


oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now