[Homestuck] Dave x Reader

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Not Like The Movies
Not Like The Movies - Katy Perry

You grin as you walk down the street, feeling the different pairs of eyes on you. You weren't even wearing anything that would interest them. Maybe it was your face? I mean all you had on was your favorite grey sweater and ripped jeans. Maybe it's because the jeans were really tight? Yeah that sounds about right. You blush from embarrassment and anger as some random guy touches your bottom. You spin around and glare at him.

"Excuse you asshole!" You exclaim

The man is nothing special, looking like your average douchebag. You could tell because he had his pants loosely hanging around his sides showing his boxers. He looks at you with a flirty smile.

"Sorry I just wanted to try that fine ass." he flirts

"I'm sorry but I don't go out with boys who walk around with their pants around their ankles." You harshly shoot back

He glares at you and shoves you against a store window. He pulls out a knife and holds it to your neck. Okay, maybe he was your average douchebag gangster.

"Listen here you little bitch." he growls

Fear crawls up onto your spine as people stare at you, trying to walk by and ignore the situation. A boy notices you from inside the small weapons shop and walks out. He approaches you and the man. He places a hand on his shoulder. The man looks over to the boy. A sword is held up to the mans neck.

"Harrassing chicks isn't cool dude." He growls

The man looks over to him, irritated. He just stares at him unfazed. He presses the cold metal blade against his neck, making the male begin to shake.

"Listen here jackass-" The man is interrupted

"The name is Dave. And I'm not the jackass." He says cooly

He swiftly punches the man in the jaw, knocking him to the ground out cold.

"Pathetic." He mumbles

"Hey little bro! What're ya doing out there?" An older male calls

"Just serving justice Dirk." Dave calls over to the door

"Well get back in here. I still need help setting up!" He exclaims

"Sure thing." He replies

He goes to start walking when you grab his hand. He stops and turns to you, you smile.

"Thank you so much.. Dave." You smile

"It's nothing. He had it coming." Dave smiles

"I.. feel like I owe you something.." You trail off

He raises a curious eyebrow as you stand there, tapping your chin thoughtfully. You seem to come up with something as you reach into your pocket and pull something out. It's a small sword on a keychain. You rub the back of your neck as you place it in his hand.

"This is all I've got. Thank you." You smile

You peck his cheek and start walking off. He looks down at the keychain in his hand, seeing a number on it.

"Huh." He says

He looks back to you and sees that you're gone. He walks back into the store. His older brother, Dirk pats him on the back.

"Nice job Dave." He grins "Even lil' Cal is proud."

He points over to the creepy smuppet that was set up on one of the shelves. Dave shudders at it but nods.

"Now help me move these boxes." He exclaims

"Sure." Dave nods

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now