[Creepypasta] Masky x Reader *Soulmate AU* (Part 2)

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|♡| Soulmate AU |♡|


Tim takes the chance to grab the box from your hands. He looks at it as you drop the knife.

"Hey, give that back!" You shout

Your emotions were showing and you fucking hated it. You squirm and fight against Toby but he holds you back.

"It has a lock." Tim deduces "From my knowledge of paranoid little shits, it's somewhere on her body."

Tim pats you down, uncomfortably might you add. You squirm and kick as he comes across the string around your neck. He reaches into your shirt, careful not to touch anything he didn't want to. He pulls out the key and unlocks the box. He opens it before quickly dropping it in surprise.

You finally break away from Tobias and begin picking up your-

"Fingers, eh?" Brian begins

"Yes, and they're all over the place because of you asshats."

A comfortable silence passes over the four of you. You continue picking up the digits, begrudgingly.

"Whose are they?" Brian asks

Without hesitation you answer back, confidently might you add.

"My mother's." You answer

"Nice." They nod at you in approval

"Whatever." You roll your eyes

You collect them back into the box and shut it, relocking it. You take a deep breath as you look between the men.

"So," You begin "What now?"

"I'm not sure." Tim replies shrugging

You walk back to your original spot and sit back down. Toby and Hoodie exchange looks as Masky follows you and sits beside you. They nod at each other in silent understanding. You notice that they're gone.

"Tim?" You ask

He replies with an aggressive him. You look back over to him.

"Where did the others go?" You ask

"Probably left." He replies back casually

"No shit." You huff

"Watch it." He warns

"Whatever" You spit

Masky rolls a piece of concrete between his fingers as silence settles over you both. You lie back, after reaching over to your bag to grab the blanket and bundle back up. You swallow the spit forming in your mouth and yawn.

"Tired?" He asked

"Yeah. Maybe if I'm lucky you'll grow half a pair and kill me in my sleep." You joke

"Fuck you." He spits

You yawn once more and lie down, relaxing. You shiver from how cold the room had become while your blanket was so thin. Masky rolled his eyes, removing his jacket and throwing it at your face.

"Put it on, your shivering is pissing me off." He growls

You sit up and pick up the jacket, wrapping It around you and curling up underneath it and your blanket. For a possible resistance leader ripoff, he smelled nice. You relax on the floor and eventually fall asleep.

Masky glances over at you and sighs. He rolls his sleeve up, glancing at the arrow on his arm. He leans over and presses the lips on his mask against your cheek before moving to your ear.

"I'll wait until you're weakest point to kill you. Only then will I kill you, my dear soulmate."

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now